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DiscussionDec 31, 2018 8:00 am CT

What was your favorite moment in Blizzard games this year?

There was a lot of stuff that happened in 2018 that I’ll remember. Getting to see Antorus and that amazing cinematic, seeing Blizzard World unveiled in Overwatch, watching Jaina recall the Kul Tiran fleet at the end of Siege of Boralus — there were quite a few moments of liquid awesome this year. I think the finale of Legion was nearly perfect — saying goodbye to our Artifacts, trying to save the world from Sargeras’ spiteful last attack, and once again failing to find common cause just when it would be in our interests to do so.

If I was doing a list of all the things I enjoyed from various Blizzard games, I know several of them would be from Overwatch, which I mostly spectate. Getting to see the London Spitfires take the Overwatch League, the debut of Brigitte Lindholm as a playable hero, and Lucio getting his own album all rank high on my list — but I think my absolute favorite moments were in Diablo 3. Not because any new story happened, new characters, or anything like that — no, I am referring to the sheer white hot panic/joy of hearing my wife yell “Grablin! Gorblen!” and then having to chase after one while she chased after the other during the Season of Greed.

That was just all kinds of fun. Bring that one back, Blizzard.

Okay, now it’s your turn — did you get super excited over Zappy Boi? Were your socks blown off by the Princess Talanji cinematic when she summons Rezan? Do you love Island Expeditions? What were your moments of cool this year?

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