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DiscussionJan 1, 2019 8:00 am CT

What are your 2019 gaming resolutions?

The beginning of a new year is always an interesting time. There are folks who mark it as just another day in a series of days that will continue on and on, and there are those who use the new year to mark the beginning of something, well, new. Regardless of what camp you fall in, it’s hard to deny the fact that many people set goals for themselves as a result of the changing times. And while many of those are likely to be real-life, personal goals, there’s still no shame in setting some gaming-related goals for the new year.

For instance, maybe there’s a transmog set you’ve been completely putting off farming, and 2019 will be your year to get it. Perhaps you have a personal goal of a certain ranking in competitive play of one game or another (like, say, Season 14 of Overwatch, which just started). Or maybe — in terms of non-Blizzard games — you have a backlog that you’re finally going to complete this year. One way or another, there’s probably at least some sort of gaming-related goal you hope to achieve during 2019.

I’ll admit, I’m not the type to set New Year’s resolutions. I have a fairly pessimistic view of them, and the idea of looking back on them a year from now and thinking I’ve failed at achieving what I wanted isn’t exactly a pleasant thought. But video games are different. Outside of feeling less guilty if I don’t achieve my virtual goals, they also tend to be more easily attainable — after all, there’s a lot less work involved in consistently logging into a game than there is consistently going to a gym.

So for my part, my 2019 gaming resolution is to do a better job of playing games/storylines/DLC/etc. that I want to play for the sake of playing, rather than because I feel I have an obligation to do so. It’s far too easy to tell myself, “Well, I played X, so I should play Y even if it’s not fun, just so I have the full picture.” Games should be fun, not work.

How about you, though? What are your 2019 gaming resolutions? They don’t have to be tied to Blizzard games, either — whatever your gaming goals, let us know!

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