Which dungeon are you looking forward to most once Classic WoW arrives?

While clearing some older raids for transmog and achievements, my guild and I got into a discussion of favorite content. The question tossed into chat was, “What dungeon is your favorite?” Our discussion went backwards, into older content. That’s where favorite dungeons are, after all. And, when we mentioned names, it went back even further — into Classic WoW.
The names which came up as being favorites are original Deadmines, original Scarlet Monastery, original Stratholme, and original Scholomance. We don’t have a beef with the updated versions, but there was something quite timeless about each of these dungeons. Deadmines had all the levels, and it was difficult to find the entrance within the mine itself. Deadmines was the first dungeon I was dragged through. Scarlet Monastery — for those of you who don’t know — originally had four wings. It would take a couple hours to run the whole thing. Stratholme was similar to what it is now except you could go between the “live” and the “dead” sections. If you didn’t know where you were going, it was extremely easy to get lost.
Most of us in the raid concur that original Scholomance is our favorite. Most of the bosses are gone now. Rattlegore was originally in the basement. Funny story — a guild group approached the room leading to Rattlegore. In this room — if you recall — were packs of whelplings with trainers. The tank would pull packs into the room behind you until you made enough space to enter without pulling the whole room. The Mage we had with us lost control of his water elemental which fixated on Rattlegore in the room below. It took off, pulling all the whelplings, teachers, and skeletons between us and Rattlegore. When it died, they all came back. I made it as far as the room where Rattlegore is now before they caught me.
Scholomance was originally the only place Alchemists could make flasks. Ras Frostwhisper taught Alchemy and had an Alchemist’s table in his room. Of course, in order to use it, you had to defeat him. To get into Scholomance required a key — which was a quest chain. The original residents of Caer Darrow — the town at the foot of Scholomance — were hidden until you got the Spectral Essence, which I still have. The above boss was in The Viewing Room, and everyone was warned to never talk to the students. Yes, I think Scholomance is my favorite dungeon and — as I think about the return of Classic WoW — it’s one of the places I’m looking forward to revisiting.
So, today’s questions are, which Classic dungeon is your favorite and why? What’s a great memory you have of running this content? Remember Upper Blackrock Spire wasn’t a dungeon — it was a 10-man raid. For that matter, Stratholme was a raid when it first opened. I started playing after it was turned into a dungeon. Are you looking forward to revisiting these old dungeons? I just know I’m going to get lost trying to find the entry to Deadmines.
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