If you were given complete creative control of a Blizzard property, which would it be, and what would you do?

Seriously, if I had a genie ready to give me three wishes, the first two would be for perfect health and immortality for myself and my wife, and likely vast wealth or superpowers (depending on if the genie would grant superpowers — I have a whole wish thing mapped out just in case). But my number three wish would likely be that Blizzard put me in charge of Diablo‘s story going forward because, guys… I have so many ideas for where I’d take Diablo‘s story.
This isn’t a complaint about what Blizzard has done or may do in the future — it’s just me indulging myself. I love Diablo, but it’s never been a game that put story first, and I likely wouldn’t even try to change that, at least not in the main franchise. I want Diablo 4, whenever we get it, to be a Diablo game where we slaughter monsters for loot. But not only would I definitely love to get to write what the story for that game would be, I’d also love it if I got to say, “We’re making a single-player, open-world RPG set in Sanctuary” because, oh lord, that could be epic. I’ve cut my teeth on playing games of that stripe, whether we’re talking the old school BioWare RPG’s to more modern offerings like The Witcher series or the upcoming The Outer Worlds. I would absolutely love to write a Diablo game that followed in those footsteps.
I could even make myself a playable character… except that Diablo Immortal already did that.
Then again, if they gave me Overwatch I could make an RTS and completely mess up everyone’s brains. Imagine all the Overwatch heroes as hero units in a StarCraft II/Warcraft III style RTS, building structures to allow you to deploy Mercy or Zarya. You could play as the Omnics during the Omnic Crisis. Omnic rush! I’m getting silly… or perhaps having a fit of genius. I no longer know.
But what about you? One Blizzard property. You can do whatever you want. Which one and what would you do?
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