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DiscussionJul 22, 2019 8:00 am CT

What would you think of a Warcraft TV series?

Some of us loved the Warcraft movie, some of us did not — but if that film did anything, it proved that you could absolutely realize Azeroth and the Warcraft series in a live action/digital effects milieu and it could absolutely work. I had no trouble looking at Durotan and Orgrim and seeing not effects, but Orcs — Orcs you could believe were actual characters. Ever since Game of Thrones went off the air I’ve been thinking about how maybe a movie was the wrong way to go for the Warcraft setting — maybe it would have been better to do it as a series, so you could have the seasons progress from the First War to the Second, and eventually the Third, and even beyond.

There’s a lot of material there, and with so much story and so many characters who are introduced, die, and are replaced you have built in longevity — I mean, you could easily take two seasons just for the First War, and by the time Lothar dies fighting Doomhammer and Turalyon picks up his broken sword and rallies the Alliance forces, that could absolutely be a big cliffhanger that goes into the next season. Like, we see Lothar die, see Doomhammer holding up his eponymous hammer in victory, and then the credits roll and people wait for the next season to find out what happens.

I mean, except for all us Warcraft fans, but hey, welcome to every A Song of Ice and Fire fan for years and years, right?

The more I think about it, the more I wish we’d gotten a big Warcraft series instead of a movie — there just wasn’t enough time in that film to cover everything and it’s unlikely we’ll get another, as sad as that makes me. Still, maybe I’m crazy. It would probably be very expensive to do that kind of show weekly, considering just how much work it was to turn Human actors into believable Orcs. What do y’all think?

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