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The QueueJul 23, 2019 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: On the road

This week every year I go on vacation to a family reunion, the date of which has been set in stone since my grandfather was a toddler, in a rural enough place that I have to drive 30 minutes to get cell reception. Every year since I began content creation, something major has dropped this week — it’s been exactly one year since Overwatch League’s inaugural season finals, for instance.

So, what I’m trying to say is, you have me to thank for any major drops that happen this week. You’re welcome.

Let’s Queue!


Is there a class in WoW that you just can’t enjoy playing, no matter what?

Warrior. Sorry, Rossi. It’s the only class I’ve never played extensively at cap, ever. I’m just not a hack & slasher. I’m generally much happier sniping from the shadows or healing — though I will say that, if I didn’t burn one of those leveling tokens on a paladin, I would never have hit cap on her, either. I didn’t find paladin all that enjoyable to heal with either, but I was playing her during MOP when Fistweaving was legit so she basically just stood around.

Here’s the poll if you’re interested in seeing the overall results: https://strawpoll.com/zhpe298x


Q4tQ: Anyone else sick of slider bars and just wants the option of a text box where you can enter a numerical value?



Q4TQ: do you prefer to play games where you can create your character with full customization (name, gender, appearance), or do you prefer to taken on the roles of pre-existing characters?

I can go either way. I really enjoy playing story-rich games where the existing characters have a defined personality which also shapes the story. Mae in Night In The Woods comes to mind. Having her be a specific person — well, not person, she’s a cat — means that the writers can create a specific story and subtext they want to explore. If I had the option to make Mae super mean to everyone around her just because I chose that option in the radial it would make some of the main story beats feel stilted and weird.

On the flip side, I could — and have! — spend hours creating that perfect face in all those Bethesda games before going on to be The Hero.

I think I really like both sides of the spectrum while I’m not all that into the ones in the middle. ‘Choose from 1 of 5 faces,’ ugh.


QFTQ: What the lore difference between witches, mages and warlocks? Why are witches feared and despised, while mages and warlocks are not?

We’ve gone back and forth on Warlocks a bunch, from the Burning Legion to using fel against the Burning Legion, to the Burning Legion and back again. It’s more “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” than a real acceptance of what they do, and early on a lot of the quest givers said as much.

The Witches we see in Drustvar seem to be similar. They’re undermining the natural order to create their magic, and in nearly every place we see them they’re doing so in petty, vindictive ways. We just haven’t found them useful enough to try to work with them yet.

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