What, if anything, do you miss about vanilla WoW?

I’ve realized that I filled up on my nostalgia quotient in the WoW Classic beta test, and I’m not exceedingly likely to play the actual game when it goes live this month. But that being said, there are things I miss from the old days. For starters, I miss running the old raids with 40 people, doing some pretty wild encounters (at least they seemed so at the time), and strutting around Ironforge in my old Tier 2 set with an Elementium Reinforced Bulwark and a Quel’Serrar.
I also miss running Dire Maul back when people really cared — when Treant’s Bane and the Barbarous Blade were big deals in PVP. That was one of my favorite dungeons, up there with Upper Blackrock Spire and the live side of Stratholme, and I admit to missing those runs too, especially since I had the key to UBRS.
But it’s not like I’ll be doing any of that stuff any time soon, and the list of things I don’t miss — the slow, almost molasses-in-winter pace of leveling, how unbelievably terrible some zones were, questing in general, the doldrums when you hit level 40 but you couldn’t afford a mount yet — and we’re getting all of that with our bag of chips when it comes to WoW Classic. The beta made me nostalgic, but it also made me realize that I’m not very nostalgic by nature, and to be completely honest, I flagged out of my interest around level 30. I doubt I’ll do much better when it goes live.
That’s me, though. How about you? What do you look forward to the most, what have you missed about the old days? What do you miss that you’ll get back when WoW Classic goes live?
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