The Queue: Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood.
I won’t lie, it’s the one reason I might actually play WoW Classic at some point.
Q4TQ: can the universe handle this much Rossi!?
I believe so.
Q4tQ: does Rossi have feathers?
I am a Therapsid. I do not have feathers.
There was a disturbing amount of talk about what kind of underwear I wear while I raid.
I do not wear clothes when I play WoW. Or do much of anything else when I’m alone in my office. I am completely naked a solid 90% of the time I’m online. I do not usually bring this up because people get weird and I’m not doing it for them, simply for my own comfort.
Q4tRossi: How do I get my 4yo to understand that just because the girl on TV can see dinosaurs doesn’t mean if we go for a walk we will see a TRex? And no matter how far we walk, we won’t see a Trex?
Note: Telling her stuff on TV isn’t real has not been successful.
Why won’t you get to see a T-Rex?
Wait, what do you mean stuff on TV isn’t real? Of course it’s real. The TV is real, I can touch it, and I know that stuff I touch is real. Why don’t you just take her to see some T-Rexes at the special zoo? I was promised a trip there, but we haven’t gone yet.
Okay, okay. Serious time, because if I keep pretending I don’t know that non-avian dinosaurs are extinct y’all are going to start believing me.
The answer to your question is entirely dependent on whether or not you’re comfortable lying to your kid. If you are? Tell them that the dinosaurs are scared of people. If you think of lying as a bad thing, just tell her there are only a few small dinosaurs in your area and they live mostly in trees.
That’s a good question, Green, but I don’t think we can really say with certainty what the end of the War Campaign will ultimately mean. The Alliance/Horde war didn’t start with the War Campaign and we have no idea what the end of it will entail — we simply can’t assume that the War Campaign and the War are tied together in that way. It’s quite possible that we’ll end the Campaign and the factions will still be at war, leading to patch 8.3 devoting all of its focus to the conflict.
In other words, the end of the War Campaign might well be the end of the conflict, but it also might just be a way to segue into a new phase of said conflict. I think it’s too early to call. But it’s a good question, Green. Remember, if you touch your alternate universe self, you’ll be annihilated in a total explosive release of energy, so don’t do that.
Q4TQ: Have you ever played a game for a while and then watched a stream or video of someone playing it and realized that you were playing the game “wrong” or in a very not optimal way this whole time?
I’ve watched a video and realized everyone else is going it wrong.
QftRossi: do you have any suggestions regarding rage generation and management for my baby warrior in Classic? Her survivability is okay, but it takes forever to kill mobs and if I accidentally pull multiple mobs then I’m toast. Right now I’m like a reverse Bruce Banner: I never seem to be angry enough.
What spec are you? If you’re Prot, knock that off. Only go Prot when you’re going to be main tanking for a raid guild.
I should be clear — your rage generation is only going to be good when you are taking a lot of damage and geared to the teeth, and even then it’s going to feel bad. You will constantly feel raged starved. You can take Anger Management, you can go Fury and dual wield ridiculously fast weapons, you’re still going to end up feeling like you’re constantly, endlessly waiting for rage. That’s just how Vanilla was. That’s the game you’ve signed up to play.
Go Arms, get the biggest, slowest 2h weapon you can, load up on crit gear, and wait for a crit to flood your rage bar. That’s the best advice I can give you. Unless you’re swimming in raid epics, then go Two-Hand Slam Fury.
If they were to make N’Zoth the big bad of BFA or even the first boss in a Nyalotha expansion, how would you feel? Of course N’Zoth has been described as the weakest of the Old Gods, but it’s also pretty clear he is the smartest of them all. He has been playing the long game the entire time and is behind most bad things we have experienced. For him to finally break free then all of a sudden start attacking Org, just seems out of character, he has planned out every step of his escape for countless years, the first thing he isn’t going to do after escaping is go attack randomly/willy nilly. IMO
It would depend entirely on how they had the thing play out. If tentacles erupt across the world and it becomes clear that the armies of the Old Gods are on the march and N’Zoth is clearly on the cusp of eternal domination of Azeroth, leading to the birth of the Void Titan? I could forgive him showing up now.
I mean, sure, him just popping up to attack Org? Not that interesting. But if 8.3 is instead about how N’Zoth is freeing C’Thun and Yogg and the three of them are gonna resurrect Y’Shaarj and they do it, and then all of the next expansion is spent dealing with the Black Empire? I’d be okay with it.
Okay, that’s the Queue for this week. I’ll see you next Wednesday, so take care and be good, all.
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