Blizzard releases notes for patch 8.2.5, featuring the return of Wrathion, Goblin and Worgen model updates, and at long last, BEES

So, while we still don’t know when Patch 8.2.5 will drop, and we still don’t know what the end of the War Campaign will actually entail, we do have a whole lot more of an idea of what’s coming in patch 8.2.5 because Blizzard have posted the Content Update Notes for the patch. And there’s some interesting stuff in there, too.
For example, there’s a new quest coming to the Lunar Festival that will allow you to transmog to your Flower Crown year round instead of just during the festival, which is something people have wanted for all sorts of transmog items that only work during holidays ever since the feature entered the game. This could absolutely be a test bed for other items like the Crown of the Fire Festival, and I’m interested to see it introduced in Patch 8.2.5.
But there’s a lot more than that, of course.
- New Worgen and Goblin models
- WoW’s 15th Anniversary Event, including
- The Memories of Azeroth raids, completing all three (available via the Raid Finder) will give you the Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire achievement and you’ll get the Obsidian Worldbreaker mount. Yes, your own little Deathwing to ride around
- An Anniversary Gift which will include a Lil’ Nefarian444 battle pet
- Alterac Valley will return to its original version, Korrak’s Revenge, which brings back Korrak the Bloodrager and the summoning of Ivus the Forest Lord and Lok’holar the Ice Lord. You want twelve hour AV’s? You got ’em!
- In addition to the War Campaign, we’ll also see more of the questline from Magni Bronzebeard, this time sending players to look for Wrathion in order to get his help against the Old Gods. We’ve talked about this quest, and it appears it’s going to lead into patch 8.3 pretty closely.
- Recruit-A-Friend
- Party-Synch, allowing higher level characters to drop their level in order to participate in older content alongside lower-level friends and to complete quests for rewards even if they’ve already completed them before.
- The long coveted Honeyback Harvester mount will at last be available to Alliance players.
- The Firelands enters the Timewalking raid rotation
There’s also a host of additions and bug fixes to be found coming in the patch, from additions to Ashran to the aforementioned Lunar Festival quest. All in all it’s a pretty substantial set of notes for a so-called .5 patch, and worth checking out. You can see the full update notes below, or on the official site.
New Character Models: Worgen and Goblins
First introduced in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, worgen and goblins are getting some long-anticipated improvements to their character models. These updates touch on every aspect of how the worgen and goblins look—from their faces to their animations.
WoW 15th Anniversary Event
This November is the 15th anniversary of World of Warcraft, and we have some special things planned to commemorate the occasion.
Anniversary Gift
Players who log in during the event period will receive an Anniversary Gift in the mail, which includes a Lil’ Nefarian battle pet, a Celebration Package that increases experience and reputation gains throughout the event, a reusable firework that can be used for the duration of the event, an item that teleports you to the Caverns of Time (usable only during the event), and other in-game goodies.
New Raids: Memories of Azeroth
Chromie has separated the strands of time, allowing you to go back and relive epic raid encounters from Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm. Each of these limited-time raids will feature three iconic bosses, and they’ll be available as their own wings through the Raid Finder.
To enter the raid, you need a minimum item level of 380. Players who complete all three wings will receive the achievement Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire which grants the Obsidian Worldbreaker, a Black Dragonflight mount inspired by Deathwing.
Return to Alterac Valley of Olde
Run down your enemies, raze their fortifications, and exchange the tokens you loot from their corpses to summon mighty reinforcements in Korrak’s Revenge, a throwback Battleground inspired by the earliest days of Alterac Valley.
Players who participate in Korrak’s Revenge and complete the Alterac Valley of Olde achievement can earn two new mounts: the Stormpike Battle Ram (Alliance) and the Frostwolf Snarler (Horde).
New Quests
Many new stories and adventures are now available across Azeroth.
The War Campaign Concludes
Tensions continue to rise between Saurfang, Anduin, and the Banshee Queen Sylvanas. Discover the fate of the Horde and Alliance in the final chapter of the War Campaign.
Magni Bronzebeard
With N’Zoth’s imminent emergence, you must seek help from an unlikely ally: the Black Prince, Wrathion. Level 120 players should seek out Magni in the Chamber of Heart to continue the story and discover the Black Dragonflight’s whereabouts.
Making it Easier to Party Up with Friends
Introducing Party Sync
Party Sync is a new feature that makes it easier than ever for friends to party up and quest together. When players activate Party Sync, everyone in the party becomes aligned to the same quest state and phase. By mousing over a quest in your tracker, you can see who’s on a given quest, what their progress is, and who’s ready to turn it in. You’ll also have access to a “replay quest” feature that allows players who have already completed certain quests to replay those quests with their friends for rewards that are appropriate to their current level, regardless of the original level of the quest. Quests can be replayed for rewards once a day.
Relaxing Level Restrictions
We’ve also relaxed level restrictions, so lower-level players can queue for instanced content (such as Battlegrounds and dungeons) in their level range, and higher-level players can choose to join them by having their level scaled down. Please note that unlike Timewalking, when your level is scaled, you will temporarily lose access to abilities and powers (such as Azerite Traits and over-level spell, abilities, talents, and trinkets’ effects) with requirements that exceed your reduced level.
Recruit A Friend Returns
Ready to bring your friends to Azeroth and show them the ropes? Doing so is easier than ever with our revamped Recruit A Friend system! If you have active game time, you’ll be able to recruit up to 10 friends—both veterans who haven’t been subscribed for over two years and newcomers—to share in your adventures. Enjoy 50% bonus experience for faster leveling when you and your recruit are partied together and summon each other once every 30 minutes.
The new Recruit A Friend lets you generate a custom link that you can send to your friends. This link will help you connect with each other, and you’ll be able to see if they have purchased game time, which will lead to rewards for you! For each month your recruits have active game time, you’ll earn a new reward, such as unique pets, mounts, game time, and more. These rewards unlock each month and scale with the amount of time your recruits have subscribed for. And, of course, with Party Sync you’ll be able to journey with your friends on any of your characters.
New Mount: Honeyback Harvester
Stormsong’s Beekeepers have discovered a new hive in town. Alliance players can work with Barry to locate the hive and court the favor of the Hivemother in order to earn the Honeyback Harvester mount—and both factions can earn several other bee-themed toys and items.
New Timewalking Raid: Firelands
While Cataclysm Timewalking is active, max-level players will be able to form a raid group and enter the Sulfuron Spire raid. As with previous Timewalking raids (Black Temple and Ulduar), your gear and power are scaled to the challenge, and all the bosses and rewards you expect lie in wait.
Note that mounts do not benefit from mount equipment in battlegrounds or Arenas and that some do not benefit from mount equipment at all such as the Sky Golem.
Holiday Updates
Lunar Festival
Embark on an adventure around Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms to complete the Rite of the Moon and help an old druid bless her Staff of Moonflowers. In return, she will enchant your flower crowns so they never die, and you can transmogrify them year-round!
- Goblins
- Goblins now wave at Gobber after casting Pack Hobgoblin (Racial).
- Gobber now waves back at the player and makes a sound when summoned.
- Rocket Barrage (Racial) now makes sound and the rockets launch from the belt instead of the caster’s feet.
- Increased the size of the visual indicating where a player will resurrect after accepting a resurrection during combat.
- Hunter
- Beast Master
- Animal Companion (Talent) now reduces extra pet damage by 35% (was 40%).
- Paladin
- Holy
- Glimmer of Light (Azerite Trait) can now be dispelled by abilities that remove Magic effects.
- Holy
- Rogue
- Blind’s debuff is now displayed on enemy nameplates.
- Shaman
- A player that can Reincarnate from Ancestral Protection Totem (Talent) now sees a glowing screen edge and visual effect.
- Restoration
- Deluge (Talent) now increases the healing of Healing Wave and Healing Surge, in addition to Chain Heal.
- Restoration
- A player that can Reincarnate from Ancestral Protection Totem (Talent) now sees a glowing screen edge and visual effect.
- Beast Master
Black Market Auction House
- New enchantment, transmogrifiable gear, and mount listings have been added.
- Unclaimed Black Market Auction House Containers will now fully create the item when open or viewed in any way. No peeking!
- Removed Grimoire of the Four Winds
Items and Rewards
- Added Glyph of Lavish Servings which allows Mages to change the appearance of their Mage Table.
- Players who collected Upgraded Dungeon Set pieces can now replace sold or destroyed pieces for 75 Darkmoon Prize Tickets from Barum while Darkmoon Faire is active.
- Raddon’s Cascading Eyes can now only reduce the cooldown of Eye Beam by up to a maximum of 20 seconds per cast of Eye Beam.
- Timewalking vendors now restrict their wares to those who can participate in their respective Timewalking events.
Player versus Player
- Battlegrounds
- Epic Ashran
- New Ancient Artifact: Solar Sphere
- A new artifact of power has been discovered in Ashran’s underground mines—the Solar Sphere. The faction who captures its power will gain 20% haste while controlled.
- Many of the NPCs within the Road of Glory have been removed to improve performance.
- Fangraal and Kronus now cost 3,000 Artifact Fragments (was 300).
- Fangraal and Kronus now deal increased damage and have a new a melee cleave ability.
- The Reinforcement count has been reduced to 150 (was 300).
- Front Line Fortitude now increases health to all melee players and NPCs within the Road of Glory by 100% (was 30%).
- The Ancient Artifact now spawns after a player kills the Ancient Inferno rather than randomly spawning on the map.
- New Ancient Artifact: Solar Sphere
- Epic Wintergrasp
- Vehicles are no longer affected by movement slowing effects or roots.
- Damage done by Catapults has been slightly increased.
- The Siege Engine now has increased health.
- Mercenaries no longer benefit from the effects of Enlistment Bonus.
- Epic Ashran
- Several items created with Kul Tiran Engineering now have a minimum level requirement.
- Electroshock Mount Motivator, F.R.I.E.D, Organic Discombobulation Grenade, Thermo-Accelerated Plague Spreader, Unstable Temporal Time Shifter, can now only be used by level 110 or higher characters.
Quests and World Quests
- World Quests and Missions now offer gold or war resources instead of Artifact Power to players who can no longer progress their Heart of Azeroth (level 70).
- War Campaign Updates
- All reputation requirements have been removed from the following War Campaign quests:
- Horde:“A Stroll Through a Cemetery,” “Tracking Tidesages,” “Journey to the Middle of Nowhere,” “When a Plan Comes Together,” “A Mech for a Goblin,” “Breaking Out Ashvane,” and “War Is Here.”
- Alliance:“Crippling the Horde,” “Our Next Target,” “Intercepted Orders” “Bringing Down the Fleet,” “Sensitive Intel,” “The Abyssal Scepter,” and “The Fall of Zuldazar.”
- Players are no longer required to level a Nazjatar companion to level 3 to access the War Campaign quest “Stay of Execution.”
- All reputation requirements have been removed from the following War Campaign quests:
- War Campaign Updates
User Interface
- Auction House purchases over 50,000 gold now require players to confirm the purchase in a dialogue box.
- Player characters can now be displayed in the Mount Journal preview. This can be toggled on or off with the “Show Character” option in the viewport window.
- Class color and faction icon now displays in the Character Select screen.
- The System Menu button now always appears in the Character Select screen.
- Players can now toggle between the map of a quest’s final destination and its initial start point by clicking on the arrow icon next to it in the Map & Quest log
Companion App
- Community chat improvements.
- Fixed a bug that required users to log in twice before accessing the app.
Bug Fixes
- Battle Pets
- Necrofin Tadpole now correctly grants a rare quality pet.
- Classes
- Abilities or passives that allow players to survive fatal blows (e.g. Rogues’ Cheat Death) no longer trigger prematurely if the target has Blessing of Sacrifice.
- Blood Death Knights’ Dancing Rune Weapon should now always mirror the caster’s melee attacks.
- Discipline and Holy Priests’ Divine Star (Talent) should no longer hit targets through walls.
- Enhancement Shaman are now refunded 80% of the Maelstrom resource cost when Storm Strike misses or parries.
- Frost Mages’ Frozen Orb’s trajectory now slows down when it deals damage rather than when it collides into an enemy or destructible unit.
- Developers’ note: This quality of life change should make this spell more reliably deal damage against large raid bosses, such as Blackwater Behemoth or Radiance of Azshara.
- Affliction Warlocks’ Phantom Singularity (Talent) can now critically strike the primary target.
- Warlocks who are interrupted while casting a Fire school spell or Chaos Bolt with an imp pet active can again use Command Demon to force their imp to use Singe Magic while locked out from spell casting.
- Dungeons and Raids
- Abyssal Commander Sivara
- Frost and Toxic Javelins have been renamed to Frost Bolt and Toxic Bolt as intended.
- Abyssal Commander Sivara
- Followers and NPCs
- The prices for consumables crafted from Pascal-K1N6 have been reduced.
- Nazjatar followers can again respawn if a player is in stealth when they are killed.
- Crazed Trogg should now always attack players covered in the correct paint color.
- All interrupts should stop Seashelf Reefwalker from completing a Coral Growth cast.
- Rolly Gulper no longer can fly to attack airborne players.
- Enemies and their corpses no longer prevent players from gathering the Energy Cells or Spare Parts underneath them.
- The chicken critters loitering in front of Ironforge can again be slaughtered.
- Items
- Blueprint: Re-Procedurally Generated Punchcard now correctly indicates it only creates Yellow Punchcards.
- Characters now announce if they’ve placed down a Cauldron of Battle, Big Cauldron of Battle, Spirit Cauldron, Mystical Cauldron, or a Greater Mystical Cauldron.
- Meera’s Jukebox no longer generates threat.
- Nazjatar follower reputation items now grant reputation above Rank 8 when used.
- Players can link mount equipment that they have equipped.
- Mounts
- Kua’fon can again fly inside Garrisons.
- Player versus Player
- Items
- Fixed an issue that caused Mirror Charm’s effects to carry over into PvP combat.
- Lady Waycrest’s Music Box should no longer damage stealthed enemy players.
- Items
- Quests
- Players can again receive credit for “A Shattered Path Through Time” after completing a Timewalking dungeon.
- Rewards from the Reclamation Rig can again be opened through in-game mail.
- A warning now displays that activating the device in “The Laboratory of Mardivas” will initiate a weekly lockout.
- Players can again interact with the Soul Harvester in “Holding the Ramparts.”
- NPCs no longer phase during “Breaking the Food Chain.”
- The requirements for “Becoming a Friend” are now clearer.
- Players can again collect all the Sandclaw Crab and Muck creepers necessary for “Gather Friends.”
- Players no longer become stuck in combat when using Bot Re-Energizer during “Right Bot for the Job.”
- Players can again “Gather Friends” with The Friendship Net without causing them to despawn.
- Enemies defeated during “Off-the-Books-Brawlin’” again drop loot.
- Prince Erazmin now properly awards credit to players who complete “Welcome to the Resistance.”
- “Our Direct Line” no longer offers an indestructible Encrypted Black Market Radio.
- “Abduction Reduction” now correctly grants credit only to the player that catches a mechagnome.
- Advisor Ko’jan should now always be present during “Silence the Advisor.”
- Corroded Sentries now correctly grant credit toward “Battle Tested.”
- Sharing “First Charge is Free!” no longer sometimes causes players to be unable to complete the quest.
- The Cooking Pot required for “Revenge is Tasty” now correctly requires 1 Outland Cooking to use.
- All Sandclaw Crabs are again valid targets for the Friendship Net during “Gather Friends.”
- Players can again complete “Flush Them Out” while on “Twist the Knife.”
- World Quests
- Players who leave “Make Loh Go” before completing it are no longer swarmed by enemies.
- The quest item Talanji’s Mojo is now correctly removed from a character’s inventory when leaving the active area during “Don’t Stalk Me, Troll.”
- World
- Certain Prismatic Crystals in Nazjatar are now easier to interact with.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from seeing the Banshee’s Wail in Port of Zandalar.
- A hole in the Imperial Gardens has been covered up.
- Players should no longer get stuck while exploring Chitterspine Caverns.
- Fixed an issue that caused chunks of terrain to disappear in Northrend.
To view all content update notes, click here.
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