The Queue: Ain’t I a stinker?

Last week I finally achieved my goal and got Anna with one of the catchy songs. I admit it was cheating a little bit to use Hamilton. Who could possibly resist that, and I knew that she loved it already.
But no resting on one’s laurels here. I’ve done it once, I’m sure I can do it again! It has kind of been backfiring though, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t getting these all stuck in my head too.
Still! The show must go on — let’s Queue this!
Q4tQ: I’ve already asked that question to Mitch and Liz. Should I also ask it to Cory, Anna and Rossi, so that we have each writer’s opinions on how excited they are about Shadowlands?
That does sound like a fun idea! Too bad you used your question asking whether or not you should. Ah well. Guess there’s nothing to be done about that now.
QftQ: (For Liz Next Friday or Cory on Monday, whoever wants it?)
Is Kelsey Steelspark going to become a mechagnome?
At this point, I’m surprised that more Gnomes aren’t adding mechanical bits onto themselves. Maybe not full Mecha modifications like we’ve seen with the Mechagnomes, but at least a hand or eye here or there. It’s something that I’d love to see addressed and expanded on down the lines. Really digging into the culture shift that could happen because of cybernetic implants.
As for Kelsey I know that she’s a Rogue who likes to blow things up and knives. If someone told her that she could have an arm that launched exploding knives? I bet she’d be mighty tempted — as long as it was quiet enough to still sneak around with. I know that Mechagnomes do have access to Rogue as a class. I just think that all of that Gnomish technology seems like it might make a lot of clanking noises.
Q4tQ: On the Drag side of the Orgrimmar vision, Garona mentions a teleporter at the end. I see it but it does nothing. Is there a way to make it work or is her dialog just flavor text and I’m meant to run back?
That was a bit of flavor text, they were using the teleporters to evacuate civilians as N’zoth took over Orgrimmar. However! There are totems that will spawn in three out of four areas of Orgrimmar that will launch you back to the beginning. There isn’t a totem in the Valley of Spirits where you help Zekhan save the Shamans, because it ends so close to the main Valley of Strength. They’ll activate after you defeat the boss of that zone freezing your sanity drain and letting you get back super quickly without having to deal with the negative effects active in the areas.
When you’re doing the Stormwind runs, each time you defeat a zone boss there’ll be a portal you can click on that does the same thing. It sends you right back to Cathedral Square.
Assuming Blizzard will make another Lords of War / Harbingers / Warbringers series of videos prior to the Shadowlands release, who do you think will feature in them?
I could see Blizzard going one of two ways with this. Either we’ll see major characters that we’re going to be spending more time with. Vol’jin, Admiral Taylor, Ysera, and Cairne all spring to mind as possibilities for characters that we could be seeing in Shadowlands. I know that we’re almost guaranteed more Vol’jin content, but a conversation between him and Bwonsamdi would fill my Trollish heart with glee.
Or it’ll be a series of videos where we get to know the different Covenants better. It would be nice to get a series of travelogues as a nice build-up to the final video all about The Maw with a peek at the Jailor. Whichever direction they go, all I know is that there better be at least one sea-shanty in there. I would also accept a folk song about the spooky vampire counts of Revendreth.
Q4tQ: Has there been any iteration of a class during a particular xpac where you really thought the devs nailed it, only to have that class changed in the following xpac seemingly for the worse?
I really liked Mists of Pandaria’s Enhancement Shaman. It could do everything! Big burst damage, on-demand healing cooldown, Greater Earth Elemental Totem for tanking — you really were a one-stop-shop for enhancing your group. But with the change to Warlords of Draenor, too many of those supporting abilities got pruned or nerfed to a point that they were pale imitations of their former selves.
Also whose idea was it to take interrupts away from all the healers except for Shaman? Worst decision ever!
Q4Cory: what is your level of excitement towards Shadowlands at the moment? Story-wise? Systems? Zones? Features?
Are you satisfied with what they’ve shown so far, or do you expect / hope for more?
Oh all right. But only because you did a Q4Cory.
I’m not really thinking about Shadowlands that much right now — I do love what we’ve seen so far. The new Covenants are looking super cool and I already know that I’m going Revendreth first no matter what. Goth spookiness is definitely up my alley. The Torghast “infinite dungeon” is a major highlight. As long as they learn the right lessons from the Horrific Visions, about the cost to run each one and the penalties of failure.
But I’m still focused on Battle for Azeroth stuff. I don’t have my Ahead of the Curve yet, nor have I stepped into Mythic Ny’alotha at all, or gotten my cloak fully upgraded, or finished my Mythic Keystones. So there’s still a lot of boxes to check off before I’m really starting to get hyped for Shadowlands.
But if you asked me again after the next Shadowlands content drop, I’m sure that my hype train will have left the station.
Todays Anna Earworm™: Don’t Stop me Now.
I hope you all had a great weekend and are settling in for a nice non-productive day off. Make sure you leave lots of questions for Anna!
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