Burning Crusade Timewalking is back, and with better rewards

Update: Burning Crusade Timewalking is back with updated rewards! This week, Timewalking dungeons will award ilvl 425 loot and Black Temple Timewalking will award ilvl 445 loot.
It’s just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right — let’s do some Timewalking again! Burning Crusade Timewalking has returned for the week, but Burning Crusade was a long time ago, so a little refresher on which dungeons you’ll be visiting couldn’t hurt.
Before you get into your first dungeon check your gear. What you’re wearing in your moment to moment gameplay is fine, of course. You’re not going to have any issues, but remember that almost — sorry Sulfuras and Thunderfury — every Legendary item in the game will scale down to match as well. This is your opportunity to break out Thori’dal or the mountain of legendaries that we got from Legion. Don’t forget the food either! I like breaking out the Fishbrul Special. Those tiny fireballs were one of my favorite spell effects and I have enough leftovers to feed a small nation.
When you’re properly attired and well fed, it’s time to jump into some dungeons. Don’t forget to grab the quest to run them from either Chronicler Toopa or Chronicler Shoopa in your faction’s main city! You’ll be rewarded with a piece of item level 415 gear from Azshara’s Eternal Palace raid, and a decent chunk of Azerite for your neck.
Oh, the dungeons you’ll delve
Each of the Burning Crusade dungeons has its own unique challenges. Magister’s Terrace has the most spellcaster enemies of any of the dungeons, while Shattered Halls has the most trash to get in your way between bosses. If you can keep your wits about you, the dungeons should fly by. Here are refreshers for all of the dungeons you could run into.
Magister’s Terrace
You’re scaled a little higher in this dungeon compared to the others. Having the extra oomph will really help you to deal with the big pulls of hard-hitting casters. There’s nothing too difficult until after the second boss. Between Vexallus and Priestess Delrissa you’re going to run into tightly packed and hard to control enemies. Be careful engaging them, or you’ll quickly find yourself fighting three packs at once. You’ll also find Sunblade Sentinels, these fearsome robot guardians will use a painful Fel lightning attack. This chains to other players and does about a quarter of your health at a time. Stunning the Sentinels can help prevent this from hurting too badly. Priestess Delrissa is also worth highlighting, her fight involves a whole squad of enemies that like to ignore the tank. Try and focus on one right away to remove it from the fight. After defeating Delrissa and her murderous band it’s time to take on Prince Kael’thas — hopefully for the last time. Stay away from the large purple orbs during Gravity Lapse, and enjoy swimming around his throne room.
The Shattered Halls
The Shattered Halls is chock full of angry Orcs. They’ve been fed a steady diet of demon blood and are ready to tear into you. You’ll find large squads of them who like to summon reinforcements to overwhelm you. The worst pulls are just inside the instance and after the second boss. Once you defeat Blood Guard Porung you’ll be in a long hallway with squads of Orcs training on either side. If you stick to the middle of the hallway you can avoid fighting them. Try and avoid pulling the Shattered Hand Houndmaster with other groups, he’ll clear any debuffs off of all the surrounding enemies pretty often. Classes that leave a lot of damage with damage over time spells will find themselves at a disadvantage. When fighting Warbring O’mrogg he’ll randomly swap targets. If he focuses on you, stop attacking to let the tank get more threat than you. Taunts don’t work on O’mrogg so tanks will have to work hard to get targetting them again.
The Black Morass
Protecting Medivh must be a full-time job if this dungeon is any indication. This is probably the easiest of the dungeons to get while Timewalking. Aside from some random swamp critters at the beginning, there’s no trash to deal with. Simply go to each new portal as it spawns and deal with any Dragonkin that pop out. Every sixth portal you get a boss and a small break after winning. The bosses do hit decently hard, so keep a close eye on your health. Aeonus has a large set of claws and a wicked case of bad breath — so if you’re not the tank don’t stand in front of him.
The Slave Pens
It’s time to put a monkey wrench into Lady Vashj’s plans for the Coilfang Reservoir. Along the way, you even get to set a bunch of Draenei free from slavery. Killing any Coilfang Slavehandlers will allow nearby slaves to run to freedom. You’re going to want to watch out for fears and mind controls here. The Coilfang Rays will try and scare you with Psychic Horror, and Coilfang Soothsayers will make you turn on your friends with Domination. Both of these enemies are a high priority when you fight them. There’s a lot of Naga in the area around Rokmar the Crackler, so be careful not to let any fear casts get off. Rokmar also hits the tank hard and quite quickly so be ready to use a cooldown or two to save your tank.
The Arcatraz
This was our first introduction to everyone’s favorite maniacal gnome Milhouse Manastorm! Before you can reach him though, you’ll have to deal with some nasty abominations that have escaped. If you clear the first room of all enemies you’ll stop the flood of Protean Nightmares. Be careful overpulling the larger enemies found throughout the dungeon. They all have unique and painful mechanics, like the meteors summoned by the Gargantuan Abyssals in the final room. If you don’t stack together you’ll have a front row seat to watch your friend get squashed flatter than a pancake.
The Nexus-Prince has a pretty sweet operation going in the Tombs. He thinks that his legion of loyal servants will keep you away, but you’ll prove him wrong. There are lots of groups that like to patrol the area, keep an eye out while fighting to make sure that you don’t have another group ready to walk into you. When you’re fighting the first boss Pandemonius, make sure that you don’t kill yourself by attacking during the wrong time. Attacking him at all during Dark Shell will reflect your attacks back at you. Take a moment to admire the architecture of the surrounding area, before finishing the job. After downing Pandemonius, Nexus Terrors are the enemy to be careful with. They have both fear and silence spells. The last thing you want while dealing with an accidental overpull is your healer being unable to cast anything.
What about Black Temple?
Whenever Burning Crusade Timewalking comes around, you have the chance to hit up the Black Temple raid in Timewalking mode, too. There’s no LFR for this one — you’ll have to make your own group or look for pre-made groups in the Group finder. Here are the strategies you need to make it through Black Temple once you’ve found a group.
Enjoy your Timewalking!
I hope this helps you have a fun — and productive! — trip through time. I’m crossing my fingers that you manage to get the White Hawkstrider from Prince Kael’thas, or the much rarer Infinite Timereaver that can drop from any boss in Timewalking. Good luck, and have fun!
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