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WoWAug 12, 2020 4:00 pm CT

You can tame Elegon in Shadowlands

If people wonder why I’m leveling up my Hunter, wonder no more, for in Shadowlands we’ll be able to tame Elegon from Mogushan Vaults. We mentioned last week that Hunters were getting a whole bunch of tames in Shadowlands, including Cloud Serpents, but Elegon is apparently a Spirit Beast and is therefore not a member of the Serpent family (the family Cloud Serpents will be in). He’s in the Spirit Beast family, and thus will be tameable only by Beast Mastery hunters.

This is the outcome I think many Hunters were hoping for the second Cloud Serpents were announced as potential tames in the upcoming expansion. I’m still most excited by the addition of the Mammoths to the ranks of tameable pets, especially with the addition of the Elekk to that family. I’m looking forward to unleashing a pack of pachyderms to pummel any and all pernicious poltroons that purport to prevent my path to perfection. But the idea of taming Elegon, who is quite possibly the most beautiful potential Hunter pet we’ll have ever gotten a chance at? That’s amazing.

It should be noted this change is currently on the pre-patch PTR and not the Shadowlands beta itself, which is perhaps even better, because it means that Zuaniich, the player that successfully tamed Elegon, did so on a level 50 character. This means you won’t have to wait until level 60 to go get your sparkly space noodle, you’ll be able to get out there and get yourself the sparkle dragon as soon as the pre-patch drops, barring any unforeseen and unfortunate decisions to, say, make taming Elegon require the Cloud Serpent book.

Shadowlands is shaping up to be a heck of an expansion for Hunters and I’m glad I’ll have one at the proper level to take advantage of all of this cool new pet taming excitement. I’m even considering leveling another Hunter just so I can have 400 possible pets stabled.

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