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Discussion > Overwatch 2Oct 23, 2020 8:00 am CT

Which Overwatch hero should star in the next animated short?

With work still underway on Overwatch 2, it makes sense that more animated shorts aren’t the top priority for the Overwatch team. And I’m fine with that. I want them to take as much time as they need to make Overwatch 2 amazing. But who doesn’t love a new Blizzard cinematic? Beautiful visuals, heartfelt emotions, probably a little weeping — I can’t get enough of it. And honestly, at this stage, I’ll be excited for any crumbs of new information about the world of Overwatch, and I’m okay with indulging in some wishful thinking to tide myself over until the team has actual news.

The last character-focused video Blizzard released was “Reunion,” back at the 2018 BlizzCon. It introduced Ashe (and her much-beloved sidekick B.O.B.) and Echo, both of whom are now in the game’s hero roster, as well as giving some background on McCree and the Route 66 map. Winston, Widowmaker, Tracer, Hanzo, Genji, Soldier: 76, Bastion, Sombra, Reinhardt, D.Va, and Mei have also had their turns in the spotlight. That leaves plenty of stories yet to be told.

So, with the full acknowledgement that this is a purely hypothetical query, who would you like to see more of in the next animated short? It seems like half of the Blizzard Watch staff, myself included, are Moira mains — I would not complain about more screen time for our favorite ethically-ambiguous Irish scientist. Any fellow Moira fans out there ready to see science reveal the truth? Do you want to finally get the inside scoop on the long-teased Sojourn? (Let’s be real, we all want that.) Or is there a pair of characters who you think would have a compelling, surprising story to share? Maybe Lucio and Sigma could talk music, or Ana and Pharah could bond during family time. Sound off with your Overwatch cinematic hopes and dreams. Maybe one day they’ll come true.

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