The Blizzard Watch D&D Spectacular returns for a big adventure and a changing of the guard

On Saturday, December 19, those brave souls who venture to the Blizzard Watch Twitch channel at 2:30 PM Central will witness the culmination of 16 episodes of our D&D play stream, as the party of ragtag adventurers who have gone from being trapped in a volcano lair to escaping to another dimension to returning home to find out their lives were stolen by imposters now head back to that volcano lair to destroy two horrible artifacts of a dread alien god in the unquenchable flames of another god’s summer vacation home.
What will happen? Who knows! They’re on a flying necromancer’s boat as Malachi, the Dwarf Warlock and party cleric Mediel’s cousin, conveys them to the big confrontation with the Mnarth nor Verth, the enormous and powerful dragon monster that kicked off this whole adventure.
The party that’s gotten this far? I’m glad you asked.
- Kainehe, a Water Genasi Sorceress — played by Elizabeth Harper
- Mischief, a Tiefling Rogue — played by Anne Stickney
- Fizzl, a Kenku Bard — played by Michael “Mitch” Mitchell
- Mediel, a Dwarf Cleric — played by Deb Montague
- Wilyur Rustspark, a Gnome Mage — played by Joe “Lodur” Perez
- Zellan, an Elven Fighter — played by Cory Taylor
- Arison Cinnamon, a Half-Elf Warlock — played by Andrew Powers
Also, in related news, this will be my last month running the D&D game for a while. I’ve been doing it for over a year and I really enjoy it, but I also need a break, so the inestimable Joe Perez will be taking over as DM for a while, and we’ll be starting a whole new party to do adventures in dungeoning and dragoning. I’m gonna play this time around, which is always fun, and I’m super excited about my character.
You can listen to us on Twitch this Saturday, or if you want to catch up with our series of adventures so far, here they are.
- The original, and completely inaccurately titled, One-Shot Spectacular
- We’re On A Boat
- Life’s a Beach
- Try not to kill the Kenku, K?
- Curse of the Dice Bot
- A Moo-Ving Conversation
- The Kenku of Chaos
- Here Be Dragons (and Gith and Portals, oh my!)
- The twist you didn’t see coming
- The Curious Case of the Counterspell Conundrum
- A very dramatic doppleganger dilemma
- There and Back Again — Volcano Lair
- A new player, an old evil and a demon horde
- The flying demon ship of doom
- Shopping with Pirates
The entire series can be found on Soundcloud, and you can also catch us on Spotify, if that’s more convenient for you.
It’s been really fun running this crazy ship over the past almost two years, and I’m a little sad to stop, but I know we’re in good hands with Joe in charge and I’m excited to get to play for a while.
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