Blizzard makes it easier for alts to access Torghast

Torghast just became a little more alt-friendly. Previously any new character on your account would have to ascend all the way from layer one to eight — one layer at a time — if they wanted to get the maximum Soul Ash possible. But as of today Blizzard has made it so that as your main character progresses to higher levels in Torghast, your alts will be able to jump right to those levels too.
With a hotfix that is now live, we’ve implemented a highest-layer-sharing system for players who wish to plunder Torghast on multiple characters.
Now, when you’ve completed a Torghast layer on any character on your account, your other characters will have access to it (as long as they meet the usual requirements for Torghast).
Players who have been running Torghast regularly should now find their highest layer available on their alts. This unlock sharing can’t look back very far though, so if you haven’t run Torghast in a while, you’ll need to complete a run on your main, and you’ll then see the higher layers available on your alts.
Please note: Twisting Corridors remains separately shared to alts, and completing Twisting Corridors only will not grant access to normal layers for other characters on the account.
This is big news for players with legions of characters that all need Soul Ash. If you’ve been dreading the climb because you know that you’d have to run all eight layers again, whether or not you outgeared them, now you won’t have to! I know even now with all of the times I’ve been through Torghast, those early levels would still take me anywhere from a half-hour to an hour — and depending on how good you are at playing your alt and how geared the character was, that time could really add up.
This will probably be something really great down the line too. Torghast feels like it has lots of room to add additional layers as we get further into Shadowlands. This change means none of us will run into a situation in patch 9.3 where there are 20 layers of Torghast that could award Soul Ash and you’ve decided to switch to a new character for the latest content because your raid really needs a Demon Hunter.
By then I really hope that Soul Ash isn’t the only reward that comes from Torghast. I think it’s such a fun system, it just could use more incentive for me to go there every week, especially when I start thinking of reasons for my alts to go there. Right now I can justify sending them in until they get enough Soul Ash for a single legendary, but if they’re not my main played character I definitely don’t see a need for them to be collecting multiple legendaries — no matter how fun the different Legendary effects are.
That’s something to worry about down the line though. For now, it’s time to climb a tower! Just remember that your alt is probably not as strong as your main, so maybe go in a group — and don’t be afraid to use crowd control.
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