Running Castle Nathria and Mythic+ dungeons will now reward more Anima, but not more gear

If you’ve been running Mythic+ or Castle Nathria, you’ve probably noticed that the Anima drops have pretty slim — just 35 Anima per boss kill in Nathria or full clear of an M+ dungeon. If that was the kind of content you enjoyed, it definitely wasn’t enough to get that pesky 1000 Anima a week quest done, much less earn any other Anima-purchasable rewards. But starting with today’s raid reset (tomorrow for EU), Blizzard is buffing Anima items that drop in Mythic+ dungeons and the Castle Nathria raid.
Community Manager Kaivax made a post to the forums outlining exactly what will be changing, and it’s basically what you would expect — more Anima items means more Anima.
With the next weekly reset (Tuesday, February 9 in this region) the amount of Anima dropped by Mythic Keystone Dungeons and Raid bosses will increase. Specifically:
- Completing a Mythic Keystone at +7 to 9 will now award 2 Rare Anima items.
- Completing a Mythic Keystone at +10 and higher will now awards 3 Rare Anima items.
- The first 8 bosses in Castle Nathria will now drop 3 Anima items.
- Stone Generals and Sire Denathrius will now drop 5 Anima items.
Thank you for all of your feedback on this!
As the folks on Wowhead pointed out, if we assume an Anima item in this instance is a 35 Anima token we’re currently used to, that means that Mythic+ with a 7 to 9 Keystone will give you 70 Anima, while a +10 or better will give you 105. Meanwhile, most Castle Nathria bosses will give you 105 anima per kill, save for Stone Generals and Sire Denathrius, who will give 175 Anima each when killed, for a total of 1190 Anima for a full clear. This means that your weekly quest to gain 1000 Anima will become a lot less difficult if you’re regularly clearing Mythic+ or raiding.
But if you’ve been reading the forums, you’ll know that this change doesn’t really address what a lot of forum posters are saying is the problem for both M+ and raid content: namely the relative scarcity of loot. For the players who are running dungeons and raids and simply not getting loot drops, more Anima doesn’t solve the problem. As someone who raids normal Castle Nathria, this past week’s upgrade to Renown actually make World Quest weapon drops competitive with Nathria gear — ilevel 194 isn’t quite as good as 200, but I haven’t even seen a weapon token yet, so a 194 I can get is a lot better than a hypothetical 200 I’ll probably never have.
Regardless, the upgrade to Anima will at least make it easier to finish up that weekly quest, so I’m still happy about it. It’s not everything I wanted, but it is a nice change.
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