The Queue: Extremely stylish

These new sunglasses are incredibly stylish! I’m super glad that the price dropped low enough on one of my servers that I was able to get them on my face. Now I need a full set of fancy jeweled armor to match them though…
While I try and re-do my transmog for the fifth time this patch, it’s time for — The Queue.
Okay, why didn’t anyone tell me there’s a mount right outside Ve’nari’s place that autopilots you to the invasion?
Hey, did you know that there’s a mount right outside of Ve’nari’s hideout that will take you to the current Covenant invasion?
Also, if your Covenant is the one currently assaulting the Maw you’ll have a teleport to and from the assault! How’s that for convenient!
What’s the add-on that combines all the add-on mini-map buttons?
A lot of people kept telling me one that was only on Overwolf, but since I don’t use Overwolf I use WoWup for my addon management needs — that wasn’t very helpful. So here I am suggesting a different one — HidingBar. It’s great! I keep it completely hidden until I move my mouse over its home on the corner of my screen.
Q4tQ: My BM hunter is Venthyr (I know. I know. I did it for the transmog.) Now that she has the transmog I wanted I’m ready to change covenants. I figure someday I’ll be able to use it even if she’s not Venthyr. But I just realized that most of the gear she’s wearing is upgraded covenant gear. What happens when I change? Does the gear just go away or become unequipable? Does she end up half naked until I can fill those slots? Thanks
From what I understand, the items you’ve upgraded will continue to be items that you can use. However you can’t transmog new armor to look like them, and you can’t transmog those items while you’re in a different Covenant. What that means for a different character who was part of your original Covenant, I don’t know. But you shouldn’t worry about them being unusable or suddenly becoming half naked.
As a bonus, the account-wide gear that you can find in Korthia is all ilevel 200 so as you’re playing more you should be able to replace any Covenant gear fairly quickly.
Q4tQ: What non-game thing do you love most about WoW?
For me, it’s the community (like this one here!) and the fact that I get to be friends with people I’d hardly meet, never mind befriend irl. For example the guildie I chat to most is a teenager. I’m 51. We share the same weird kind of humour and, well, weirdness in general :-)
Today we had a chat conversation where we talked about why we make the gaming choices we do. Guildie is on the spectrum, I’m HSP (highly sensitive, which is also neuro-atypical). And figured out that’s why they’re getting impatient when we take too long to kill a raid boss, whereas I’m totally relaxed to repeat the same wipe over and over, but hate m+ and anything that makes me feel rushed (it’s HSP’s pet hate). And just like that, two people have gained a better understanding of fellow humans.
Oh, where even to begin!
Obviously, there’s the big one, that you’re here reading this at all. Writing for Blizzard Watch is probably my favorite non-game thing that I love the most. I love getting to write about the games that I love with this awesome group of writers and editors! It’s been a super fun stretch of time and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Playing World of Warcraft has lead to so many friendships and experiences outside of Azeroth that I’d do a disservice not to mention them too. I’ve made friends from all over the world, lived in Chicago with people I’ve met through Warcraft, had a place to stay in California when I went to BlizzCon, and I’m sure that there are many more States and Provinces where I could spend a night with friends having just the best time. The game might be fun, but it’s the people in the game that make it what it is!
Multiple Qs:
I’m a Venthyr Feral Druid (tbh mostly chosen for transmog and “too hipster for night fae” reasons), but I’m contemplating swapping to Night Fae since it is much stronger. So, what’s the renown catchup like? If I swap, could I match my current level 43 by our raid night on Tuesday? And second and more importantly, if I swap, what happens to the Venthyr transmog I’ve gotten? Can I somehow still use my Dope Floaty Knives(tm) cloak mog once I’m Night Fae?
Yay, another Venthyr Druid! There are dozens of us, dozens!
I can see the appeal of swapping to a different Covenant, the Venthyr abilities are pretty lackluster for Feral. Ravenous Frenzy is pretty hard to keep building with the large Energy cost of Ferocious Bite. Plus you’re already super mobile, so you don’t really need the Door of Shadows.
So to answer your first question, at this point it’s kinda late to get 43 Renown in time for your first raid night, but you could probably be caught up to the current Renown level within the next week. Chains of Domination brought with it the increase to the catch-up mechanics so you’ll get lots of Renown for doing things like LFR, Dungeons, World Bosses, and the Covenant Campaign. What might be better is to not swap right away at the start of this week — get your flying from hitting Renown 44 first. Then with your flying, it’d be easier to rebuild your Renown with the Night Fae.
Sadly the Venthyr floaty knives backpiece does require you to be in the Venthyr Covenant. Even the one you get from the Anima Conductor rare Forgemaster Madalav.
I think Blizzard should majorly revamp the Darkmoon Faire again.
There are so many cool minigames in there, but no real incentive for people to do them. The DMF should be permanent, and there should be a ton of cool new rewards being periodically added to it.
I miss those early days of the new Darkmoon Faire where I spent a good portion of the week doing the wacky races around the island and figuring out the best route through the fire rings for the fire wings toy. I don’t know that I want a complete retooling of the event, I’d like all of the current stuff to still be there, but maybe there needs to be a second Faire layered on top of the first with more of an Old Gods feel or something. Give us a way to see everything the way it truly is, all covered in eyes, tentacles, and great big gnashing teeth. With new toys and pets to go along with it.
Behind Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, the Madness at the Darkmoon Faire would be my most wanted Hearthstone content making its way back into Warcraft. I just love those wacky Old Gods so darn much!
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Sunglasses at Night
I hope your holiday weekend (if you had one) was full of good fun and good food!
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