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D&D > Tavern WatchOct 9, 2021 11:00 am CT

Join us this afternoon as the Blizzard Watch D&D crew enters the Feywild to play Wild Beyond the Witchlight!

Come one, come all this weekend’s D&D game, streaming this Saturday on Twitch at 2:30PM Central! This week an all-new party of intrepid explorers will be venturing into the Witchlight Carnival as we play The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, the latest adventure from Wizards of the Coast. This adventure has a different flavor than most D&D adventures as it focuses on exploration and social encounters — in fact, the party could complete the entire story without a single combat encounter. (If they want to.)

I will be DMing this adventure four our illustrious players, who include:

  • Joe Perez as Alistaire Hoppington, a Harengon Fighter. Alistaire, twin to Hippolyte Hoppleton, is a serious and focused individual. Since visiting the carnival as a child, Alistaire has lost all sense of mirth, and has poured everything of his being into maintaining the family legacy of honor, dedication, the virtues of Bushido, and keeping his sister out of harm that she inevitably finds herself in with her inexplicably brazen attitude.
  • Matt Rossi as Hippolyte Millicent Hoppleton, a Harengon Bard. Hippolyte is a Bard not out of any real love for music or performing, but more out of a sincere desire to needle her brother whenever and wherever she can. She lacks the capacity for shame, having lost it at a mysterious carnival.
  • Anna Washenko as Moss, a Human Ranger. Moss has no memory of her life before she woke up alone in the deep woods, and has learned new skills by necessity: crafting potions, befriending animals, and avoiding other people as much as possible. She’s more comfortable with her constant companion, a giant gray wolf named Puppy.
  • Andrew Powers as Trueshot Avaetho, a Damper Fighter. Trueshot is a High Elf recently turned into a Dhampir. He’s great with a bow and can do some amazing trick shots. But while he’s wise enough to see what’s around him and pick up on clues, he’s lost the ability to piece things together and see the bigger picture.
  • Liz Patt as Xilthana Laidon, an Eladrin Elf Ranger. Xilthana is a complete hermit, having been misplaced both her family and Feywild hometown after entering a mysterious carnival in her childhood and emerging with no sense of the way home, or the way anywhere.

I hope you’ll join us on our trip into the Witchlight Carnival — it’s sure to be an interesting adventure. You can listen to the show live this Saturday, October 9 at 2:30PM Central on Twitch. If you can’t catch us live, never fear — you can listen on our podcast stream early next week.

I’ll see you in the Feywild!

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