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Off Topic > Video GamesDec 14, 2021 10:00 am CT

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla both get ambitious crossover DLC today

This is something I don’t think I’ve ever even heard of a game doing — Ubisoft Quebec announced via Twitter that they’re releasing two new Assassin’s Creed DLC simultaneously, with the announcement happening the day before the DLC drop. One DLC is for the current game, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. That’s not really a surprise — DLC for a current game is common — but what is a surprise is that the DLC introduces Kassandra, the canonical protagonist of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to the game for her first appearance outside of Odyssey. And what’s even more surprising is that they’re simultaneously releasing new DLC — including a new island to explore and new enemies to fight — for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. 

That’s right, free DLC and story for both games, one the predecessor of the other, will both be released on December 14th. That’s something I can’t recall ever happening in the history of the franchise. There have been other crossovers — Altair Ibn-LaAhad, the hero of the original Assassin’s Creed, appeared in the Ezio games like Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, although there he was in flashbacks — but we’ve never had content released for an older AC game that sets up content for the current one while also having content in the current one that allows the current protagonist to meet the previous protagonist.

It looks like the DLC — what are being called Assassin’s Creed Crossover Stories in the trailer — are relatively large, with island areas to explore and enemies to fight in a story that bridges the two games and sets up how Kassandra goes from the hero we saw in Odyssey to the figure we’ll meet in Valhalla. In addition to that, there’s another paid DLC coming to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla which touches upon the mythical worlds that make up the Norse myths — I’m trying to avoid spoilers here, so just consider it similar to Odyssey’s The Fate of Atlantis. That DLC is coming next year and will take Eivor to explore the mysteries of Ragnarok and the fall of the gods, aka the crisis that destroyed the ancient Isu civilization.

But for me, it’s getting to see Kassandra again, both in Odyssey and in Valhalla, that really interests me. If you played Alexios in Odyssey, worry not — the DLC in that game will allow you to play it as Alexios as well. However, only Kassandra appears in Valhalla as she is the canon Eagle Bearer. Both DLC will be available on December 14, so I already know what I’ll be doing this Tuesday. Plus, both DLC are free as long as you already have the base game, and that’s pretty great because I’m broke. And for you AC lore enthusiasts, look closely at that promo image — that’s definitely a Hidden Blade on Kassandra.

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