The Queue: On the horizon

Hah, you thought this Queue would be about Horizon Forbidden West, but instead, it’s about how Warcraft patch 9.2 comes out tomorrow! Fooled you!
Bet you all feel silly now.
While I still try to find a PS5 so I can actually play Horizon, it’s time for — the Queue.
What are you most looking forward to in 9.2? Or are you just biding time until 9.2.5 so you can group with me your Horde friends?
New raid!
New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid! New raid!
Excuse me, must’ve had something caught in my throat.
The first few trips into the new raid are always my favorite. There’s the exploration and the wonder at all of the shiny new things to see. The new zone is cool, but it lacks the large group camaraderie which is what makes Warcraft such a standout in my eyes. No other game I’ve played has gotten me quite the same way — even the other MMOs that I’ve tried.
Q4tQ Did you watch the complete Legend of Vox Machina series? What did you think?
I watched the first three episodes right when they came out. It was fine. I dug the animation, and I love the voice actors involved — even if I can’t not hear Illidan all the time. I wasn’t super blown away by the story, but when I get access to Prime again I’ll give the rest of the episodes I’m sure.
At first blush, it’s a little all over the place setting-wise, which is what happens with D&D games as everyone comes to the table with a different character, and I’m not sure how well that translated to the screen.
Q4tQ: What kind of starting zone do you prefer?
- Faction-locked, available to others – the classic starting zones, any member of the faction can travel there and do the quests (Forsaken leveling in Valley of Trials, Night elves leveling in Coldridge Valley, etc.)
- Faction-locked, unavailable to others – Wrath era, the death knight starting zone. Races of either faction are grouped, but only starting death knights get to experience the classic zone.
- Race-locked, unavailable to others – The Cata starting zones, only worgen and goblins can access the specific zones, and the zones are unavailable once the questlines are complete.
- Faction-agnostic, unavailable to others – Pandaren and demon hunter starting zones.
- Faction-locked, unavailable to others – The new starting zone, Exile’s Reach.
- No starting zone – Allied races.
I do think that the unavailable to others is a good part of the starting zones. Much less chance of some jerks coming along to try and mess with lowbies. I really like the storytelling from the Goblin and Worgen starting zones. This could be because they came later and the Narrative Team had more tricks under their belts. Each new starting zone since then has also felt really well made. Being able to lock them off from the world at large just might be the key.
QftQ: Am I the only one who is a little concerned that the community apparently deciding the next expansion is going to set on the Dragon Isles has created a situation where a non-Dragon Isles 10.0 might be seen as a disappointment even if there’s nothing wrong with it?
The community at large will always find things to love/hate without Blizzard’s involvement. So whether it’s Dragon Isles or something else there’ll be people who are stoked that it wasn’t a “meme expansion” like Dragon Isles or the opposite who are upset that it wasn’t a trip to an “obviously amazing expansion idea” like the Dragon Isles.
I’d say they should manage their expectations but we all know that the internet isn’t a place that’s great at that.
I was personally pretty upset when Battle for Azeroth didn’t feature a player-controlled ship that was similar to the garrison. Which was a good lesson for me to always hope for awesome things, but to never get too invested until you actually have them in your hand.
QftQ: Inspired by the last few posts, what’s your best kitty photo? Mine? I’ve taken a whole lot of them, but here Lily Cat is performing her cat-ly duties to keep my son warm when he was a wee thing. I will always appreciate her for that.
What's your best cat photo? Here's mine!
— Cory Taylor 💙 (@CoryjTaylor) February 21, 2022
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to take a better picture of Bacardi than this one. Even the picture of him escaping from the Abathur Symbiote hat being put on him isn’t nearly as good.
Valhalla definitely feels smaller in scope than Odyssey was.
While it still took me about the same amount of time to finish as Odyssey did. I totally get where you’re coming from. After thinking about it for a minute, it’s the lack of the metric crap-ton of islands in the Greek sea to explore. Those made the world seem larger in a way that having a few different continents that were broken up by loading screens never quite could.
Q4tQ’s D&D people: a friend of mine is planning to run some magical western-themed sessions where we make a few characters and pick one to play, with the idea that they’re part of a posse. I’d like to play a monk, but I’m not sure what race. What race should my monk be and why?
Do a turtle Monk! I had a great time playing a turtle Druid for Joe’s campaign, turtle people are awesome.
Possibly last QftQ of the night: Who’s your secret NPC crush? Fiona for me for some reason.
Lady Liadrin! Oh, you said secret, and I’ve not been exactly subtle with my praise of her…
In that case — Alexstraza. Maybe I just have a thing for pointy ears.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Into the Night
Have a great week everyone, I hope that you all get a bunch of neat things as we get into patch 9.2!
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