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Discussion > WoWDec 13, 2022 8:00 am CT

Which of Dragonflight’s open-world events is your favorite?

The Primal Storms event from the Dragonflight pre-patch arrives this week in the Dragon Isles alongside the start of Season One, but players haven’t lacked for open-world events to participate in since the launch of the expansion. Whether it’s Sabellian and Wrathion jockeying for leadership in the Obsidian Citadel or the Maruuki Centaurs hunting their way across the zones, there’s always something going on for players tired of questing or running dungeons. Not all events are created equal, though, so I’ve been doing some more than others — while still making sure I visit all at least once a week for the rewards.

I tend to start off at the Obsidian Citadel because I can work on my Sabellian and Wrathion reputation while waiting for the Siege of Dragonbane Keep event to kick off. I find the Siege a little drab, to be honest, and not much of a challenge as long as players show up — it could really use more Warfront-style mechanics than simply clicking on supplies. Obsidian Citadel isn’t more exciting, but at least the rewards (including a lava mammoth mount!) are worth working towards.

The Great Hunts are more fun, although I’m not sure how long that’ll last. I like how they mix up which six events need to be completed at each location, but ultimately it’s kill something, loot something, or click something — then again that’s 99% of questing anyway so I’m not sure what I’m complaining about. There’s also some bugginess with the event registering your presence, although that seems more likely to afflict low-level characters.

The event I like best of course is the community soup scenario in Iskaara, despite the zonewide lag left in its wake. While leaving the pot to go fetch an item from an NPC on the other side of town is never fun, there’s still something viscerally satisfying about yelling Yes Chef! every time you start a new assigned task, and thankfully most of them don’t require a journey. There’s a frenetic joy to fighting off beasts and throwing fish back into a pot that other events aren’t able to capture — hopefully the performance issues get completely fixed soon (there’s already been at least one major hotfix to help, but it hasn’t solved the problem).

What’s your favorite Dragonflight open-world event? Do you enjoy making soup with the Iskaara, or is the lag too overwhelming? Have you actually had a chance to accompany the Aylaag tribe as they’ve moved locations? And are you looking forward to the return of Primal Storms?

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