Soon we’ll be able to transmog gray and white quality items and we are so excited

When patch 10.0.5 goes live later today we’ll finally get a much-requested transmog feature: we’ll finally be able to transmog white and gray quality items. This opens a ton of options for transmog enthusiasts, including items like:
- Trainee’s Sword, a white item available from the Wandering Isle and also from weapon racks in Desolace and the Badlands
- Chipped Colossus Blade, a gray item which resembles several other 2h swords, but has a unique color scheme
- Red Defias Mask, which every Rogue has in their bags, hoping against hope that someday they’ll be able to mog to it and have that cool red bandana over the nose and mouth look
- Ripped Ogre Loincloth for all you cloth-wearers who want to wear a glorified rag instead of robes or pants
- Starting gear for all races and classes, which features a variety of unique looks
- Twill sets
This may sound silly to those of you who aren’t transmog enthusiasts. Why would you go through all the effort of collecting all of this awesome looking gear from the latest expansion and then spend our hard-earned gold making it look like we’re wearing the Forsaken Bastard Sword instead?
Well, sometimes we want a really simple look and the perfect accent piece is a gray or white quality item and we couldn’t use it. Maddening! Maybe we really want to play our Mage as a mostly naked maniac and since we can’t turn off pants in the current transmog system, that Ripped Ogre Loincloth is really the best possible option.
To unlock gray and white items in your transmog collection, you’ll have to equip them, so you’ll have to have them in your inventory or collect them anew. Fortunately, you can buy a lot of white and gray gear from armor vendors located throughout Azeroth — and look for racial starter gear to appear on vendors as well, letting you collect these looks without rolling a new character. However, you may need to farm (or watch the auction house) if you want specific looks.
But Blizzard seems to be interested in giving us more customization options, and Ion Hazzikostas has said they’re trying to add more opportunities for customization and self-expression. Hopefully we’ll see even more options in future patches.
Originally published April 25, 2022; updated January 24, 2023
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