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Diablo Immortal > Discussion > WoWFeb 13, 2023 8:00 am CT

How fast do you think content should release in an MMO?

Blizzard currently has two MMOs — the venerable World of Warcraft, which has been in operation for 18 years (19 this November, and it’s a little terrifying to realize WoW could vote if it were a person) and the more recent mobile MMO, Diablo Immortal. Now, over the years I’ve come to consider a certain pace of content delivery to be the norm, but in reality many MMOs release content at a much quicker pace than World of Warcraft. This means I have a hard time judging how fast is actually, objectively fast.

Still, seeing the 2023 Roadmap at the end of last year absolutely has me wondering if Dragonflight‘s projected content release is too fast — or maybe it’s finally just right? Just around the time that I’ll get getting tired of some of the content I’m currently running regularly, like the Obsidian Citadel/Dragonbane Keep hub, or the Primal Invasions and Storm’s Fury events, there will be the Forbidden Shore and whatever that turns out to be to keep me involved. One could make the point that Dragonflight already has a lot of content to be consumed out in the world, but as problems go, There’s so much to do in my MMO is right up there with How can I be expected to eat all this cake and All these epic loots are clogging up my bank.

Still, I’m already at the point where I don’t do the Great Hunts, and I mostly stopped doing World Quests because they don’t have rewards for me. This makes the upcoming Forbidden Shore very enticing to me simply because it will be stuff I haven’t already done, and I’m very curious to get to play around in that brand new sandbox for a while. So I’ll just ask you — are things happening too fast for you in Dragonflight? Are we going to have another Mists of Pandaria scenario where the content drops were pretty fast through the early patches and we progressed rapidly through the story, only to crash headlong into one whole year in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid? Tell me how fast you think is too fast, or if that’s even possible.

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Filed Under: Content Delivery, Mmo

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