WoW World Boss Liskanoth the Futurebane is now live in Thaldraszus
Dragonflight Season One is almost over but there’s still time to kill the fourth and final World Boss that spawns in the Dragon Isles. Just like in Shadowlands there will be four World Bosses in rotation, changing each week. Fortunately there are no mechanic drops similar to the prior expansion’s Legendary Memories so players won’t have to worry about missing out on something important if they skip a week. As usual the World Bosses drop items that are ilevel-equivalent to the Normal difficulty of the concurrent raid, although with the more staggered ilevels in Vault of the Incarnates it should be noted that World Boss drops are ilvl 395, or equivalent to the middle bosses of the raid.
This week’s World Boss is Liskanoth the Futurebane in the Primalist Future section of Thaldraszus. A proto-dragon of water and ice, Liskanoth will freeze characters, so players need to be ready to switch dps to those who are frozen. In addition, icy patches get left behind by attacks, damaging players and reducing movement speed — players are best off making sure they’re not hit by these attacks. Finally at 100 energy she will take off and do a tremendous Deep Freeze breath attack which stuns players for 6 seconds and does significant damage; there is no word on whether now that patch 10.0.7 is live if she’ll Deep Freeze more.
The Primalist Future is in Thaldraszus is where you’ll find Liskanoth — bring mittens.
Liskanoth can be found in the Primalist Future section of the Thaldraszus zone. To access the Primalist Future you’ll need to use the portal at the Temporal Conflux. Dragonriding can easily get you there from Valdrakken, but you’ll want to make sure you fly through the pass on the way to that area rather over the neighboring mountains. Once through the portal, Liskanoth is located in the southern part of the zone, west of the portal. It’s possible the Storm’s Fury event can impact the encounter if it’s up at the same time, so be ready with Field Deployable Heat Sources just in case.
The gear that Liskanoth drops matches the normal Vault appearance, so those looking to farm transmog as well as gear upgrades will want to take the time to down the boss. Besides a Haste/Mastery cloak that can drop for all armor types (but matches the Evoker gear appearance), Liskanoth also drops:
- Cloth boots (Mastery/Vers) that matches the Warlock appearance
- Leather bracers (Haste/Vers) that match the Demon Hunter set
- Mail helm (Haste/Mastery) that matches the Evoker appearance and can be used at the Revival Catalyst to convert to tier gear
- Plate belt (Crit/Haste) that matches the Death Knight set
As always we should expect defeating Liskanoth to count as a World Quest, with possible rewards of 250 rep with the Valdrakken Accord, Dragon Isles Supplies, or gold.
Originally published on January 3, 2023. Updated on April 25, 2023.
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