The Queue: Glorious!

Last night was my favorite raid of the season — we got our Glory of the Vault Raider achievements!
There were some pretty good ones in this raid tier. I like the call back to the Lurker Below and the name of Raszageth’s achievement. I also liked how none of them were personal achievements, it felt good to all succeed together as a raid team, and not have to wait for everyone in the group to be able to dodge all of the mechanics flawlessly in a fight.
I will say though that I have reached my limit of appreciating achievements where you get bounced into the air in a fight and have to collect orbs. I could do without those going forward. They’re always the most awkward achievement to get out of the run, and usually, the solution is to just throw Demon Hunters and Evokers at the problem. I would accept having to use Chrashin Thrashin toys, or the Eye of Kilrog style toys where you control a smaller vehicle and have to drive that through things as a replacement for the next bounced up for orbs achieve.
While I figure out who to submit that idea to on the Warcraft team, it’s time for — The Queue!
If my raid leader announces we’re pulling “on tanks” does that mean I get to ride a druid into battle?
Paladins vs bears — who wins?
I’ve said before that I should be able to drag extra bodies into the raid by mounting them on my back/shoulders. Sure I was playing a Tauren Enhancement Shaman then, and those giant totem shoulders from the Mist of Pandaria Challenge Mode set were just begging to have a Goblin or two strapped to my back, but the thought still remains. Bears have a lot of back real estate. — I could easily bring along more friends.
Sure whoever is riding on me, might take a bit more damage as giant tank cleaves get applied to them… but that’s a risk I’m willing to take! Nothing gambled, nothing gained, and all that. I’m sure they’ll be fine as long as the healers are paying attention, or they use a defensive cooldown or two.
As for Paladins vs bears… I think that in all matchups that aren’t Retribution vs bear the fight just lasts forever. Here’s how that would go:
So what now, Bear? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound?Bear:
Or you could surrender.
Retribution just doesn’t have the same tankiness and survival that the other specs have. I’d be willing to bet that eventually your tricks would wear out and I would the bear would stand victorious over a pile of mangled scrap metal
Random Q4tQ: what regular flying mount do you use for your dracthyr? I finally got my evoker into the Dragon Isles, but before that I had to fly some around Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff, and I went with the kite from Pandaria because it felt weird to have someone with her own wings flying around on something with wings. I know it’s unavoidable in the Isles themselves because we only have dragon-riding for flight, but I’m curious if anyone else thought about this.
I just used my Soar button!
Sure I had to run around on foot for a while, but I couldn’t get over how fun dragonriding was during the pre-patch. So much so that I spent the many thousands of gold on all of the scouting maps so that I would have the faster cooldown in each zone.
It definitely helped that I spent a lot of time just going from raid to raid getting some missed transmog and trying to get my hands on Invincible. Less waiting for Soar to come off of cooldown.
If I absolutely had to use a mount mount though I like the ones that are fully enclosed like G.M.O.D or the Felsteel Annihilator.
Bagels or English muffins?
I gotta go with a bagel here. They’re just such a great vehicle for cream cheese and other deliciousness!
English muffins are really good, and I even ate a couple of them on Sunday as part of a delicious Eggs Benedict, but if I had to choose one to eat forever I’m going with a bagel. There are just so many varieties, if you get tired of savory bagels you can switch it up to cinnamon raisin and go into the sweeter spectrum!
2401! I made it boys. I got gud
I’m so proud of you!
But I am so annoyed that in order to get my last rank of M+ upgrades I have to get to 2400 rating. I liked the old system of dungeon rating where your Keystone Master was good enough to get all of the gear rewards, and the Keystone Hero stuff was just for the fancy bragging rights and teleports.
2BE: Blarves vs. Niblins
Of those two? Blarf all the way.
— NɅITSɅDE (@naitsade) March 4, 2023
Of the not mentioned options though the Draeran is by far the best choice.
oh boy… welp, I'm sorry
— NɅITSɅDE (@naitsade) March 6, 2023
Random Question for the Queue
What is something food related that you have thought about trying but it’s so weird you haven’t because you might like it? For me it’s warm soda, I’ve always wondered what a nice hot soda would taste like since being chilled can drastically change the flavor of a soda.
Ever since seeing an old ‘recipe’ for hot Dr. Pepper with a fresh slice of lemon in it, I’ve always wondered what that would taste like. It’s not even hard to make, since it’s just two ingredients, but part of me really doesn’t want to know if it’s actually good. If it is then I might turn into that guy who is really into heating up Dr. Pepper, and there’s nothing inherently wrong about that, but also I feel like that guy doesn’t get invited to as many parties as someone who doesn’t heat up their Dr. Pepper…
Here’s Bacardi for the week offering you good luck in all of your gaming endeavors. This one is definitely at least gaming specific with all of the video game-related art behind him. I have a potential 421-tier piece in my vault so I’m really hoping that he works for it this week.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Spiderwebs
Make sure to give your pets a treat for me and have a great week! I’ll see you here next week — same bear time, same bear channel!
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