Vote for your favorite Hearthstone Titan for a chance to win free packs (or Sargeras with the rest of us to rig the vote)
Hearthstone is having a competition of sorts among its eleven Titans, and it’s up to you to decide who stands triumphant among them… at least in theory. The Choose Your Titan webpage is live, and you can vote for your favorite Titan and earn card packs. The Titans that earn the most votes each week will move on to the next round of voting on the following week.
But the catch is that if the Titan you voted for is among those that win and move on to the next round, you earn another pack for that week. So there are three packs in total in this competition that you aren’t guaranteed to win — only players who voted for winning Titans will earn the free packs. Which, for Blizzard, might have sounded like a fun community event to generate engagement — but for some players, it sounded like a challenge, and they decided that if everyone on the community simply voted for the same Titan, everyone was guaranteed to win those three extra packs.
Enter Sargeras, the Destroyer. It’s not very clear why the community quickly united to pick him, but watching people talk about the Titans in places such as Reddit and Twitter made it clear that Sargeras is simply very recognizable. Even players who have never played World of Warcraft seem to have heard about him, and have at least a vague idea that he’s the ultimate big bad of the entire franchise. It seemed very appropriate to rally under The Destroyer in order to completely obliterate the competition and earn the packs for everyone.
So the plan is simple, Hearthstone players: click the link to the Choose Your Titan vote, and vote for Sargeras, for the good of Azeroth* — if all you care about is winning, of course. If you’d rather pick your favorite Titan, whoever they are, and risk losing out on some free packs, that’s up to you!
*Disclaimer: by choosing to support Sargeras the Destroyer, you agree that he’s not liable for loss or damage caused to Azeroth or its inhabitants by entrusting their fates to his hands. Sargeras the Destroyer cannot be held accountable by any catastrophic events, up to and including demonic invasions, plagues of Undeath, and sword stabbings (of any proportion). Fel energy is unregulated, and you agree that any incidents related to it are your responsibility. Your vote is final, and your soul is forfeit.
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