Business is booming this July with more rewards at WoW’s Trading Post — only four days left to collect them!

North American summer is in full swing and to celebrate Blizzard announced expanded rewards for the July and August Trading Post including an extra 200 Trader’s Tender that you can collect from the Trading Post directly in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. We now know about all of the Trading Post items that will be up for grabs in July as well as a sneak peek at some August items and, speaking for myself, that extra 200 Trader’s Tender is going to come in handy — so let’s take a look at what to spend it on.
July Trading Post mounts
If you’re a mount collector, the good times continue to roll this month because another three mounts are available! Those of you who were able to tear yourself away from Diablo 4 long enough to check the Trading Post can get Tyrael’s Charger for 900 Trader’s Tender while fans of arachnids and demonic fighters alike can get the Felcrystal Scorpion mount for 650 Trader’s Tender. The third mount available, a new Netherwing Drake, is tied to this month’s bonus reward for completing Traveler’s Log objectives.
- Tyrael’s Charger — 900 Trader’s Tender
- Reins of the Felcrystal Scorpion — 650 Trader’s Tender
July Trading Post transmogs, armor sets, and cosmetics
Last month, I lamented that the Helarjar sets were so heavily featured and this month the loot (Old) gods answered my prayers — I’m enamored with the Sylvan Stalker’s set. I’ve been wanting a darker look for my Druid and this is the perfect complementing ensemble.
- Ensemble: Sylvan Stalker’s Leathers — 750 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Wanderer’s Violet Trappings — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Vagabond’s Violet Threads — 100 Trader’s Tender
I think this month’s rotation of cosmetic pieces is one of the, if not the, best selection since the arrival of the Trading Post. There’s just a fantastic range of weapon types and designs that can be used for different transmog combinations. At minimum, I’ll be grabbing the Sinister Fel Staff, Antoran Felspire, and Helm of the Fierce:
- Conquest — 600 Trader’s Tender
- Antoran Felspire — 600 Trader’s Tender
- Aldori War Mace — 500 Trader’s Tender
- Helm of the Fierce — 225 Trader’s Tender
- Mephistroth’s Razor — 200 Trader’s Tender
- Sinister Fel Staff — 175 Trader’s Tender
- Silvered Warcloak — 75 Trader’s Tender
- Polished Shortsword — 75 Trader’s Tender
- Primeval Basher — 50 Trader’s Tender
In an April interview, Ion Hazzikostas revealed that previously offered items will be cycled back in to the Trading Post and this is the first month we get to see that in action:
- Filigreed Lion’s Maw — 250 Trader’s Tender
- Fists of Polar Fury — 175 Trader’s Tender
- Fabulously Flashy Finery (Purple) — 50 Trader’s Tender
July Trading Post pets
The Spectral Tiger Cub from WoW’s Trading Card Game can be bought for 750 Trader’s Tender this month. This spectral kitty marks a slightly new beginning for the battle pets as it’s the first one to enter the Trading Post lineup from a prior game promotion and not a re-color of an existing pet or a previously discontinued pet from the store.
July Trading Post bonus rewards
Complete the July Traveler’s Log objective to earn a brand new dragonriding mount, the Grotto Netherwing Drake. This is the first dragonriding mount that’s earnable outside of the Dragon Isles until patch 10.1.5 updates certain mounts with the ability to dragonride.
This month we round out to 19 total items available as opposed to the usual 15 or 16 we’ve gotten in previous months. I’m enjoying the addition of pets and mounts from different sources and it gives me an opportunity to expand the potential rewards in our running Trading Post list. It’s also good to see the older items cycled back in the rotation for people to get another chance at grabbing them. One of the questions now is, will previously offered items continue to be in the rotation past August or is this a tester to see how the players react? We’ll be keeping an eye on it so be sure to check back to stay up to date!
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