It’s your last chance to collect August Trading Post rewards in WoW, including the Ethereal Transmogifier toy

August may be coming to a close, but there’s still a small window of time to pick up the latest Trading Post rewards — and we have tips on how to earn those last few Trader’s Tender. Last month, Blizzard announced the World of Warcraft Trading Post would be getting more rewards for July and August and sure enough, August rounds out summer with a hefty haul of 25 new and returning items. Blizzard also teased new class sets that would be trickling out for each class starting in September and running through the rest of the year so there’s still plenty of stuff to look forward to. We don’t always get Trading Post offerings of this scope, so before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s look at what’s available this month.
August Trading Post mounts
Mount collectors rejoice as this month’s Trading Post brings back two mounts that were available in the past and offering a new colored Clefthoof mount, for a total of three mounts on the slate this month. The Ancestral Clefthoof is a light-purple variation of the Witherhide Cliffstomper mount from Warlords of Draenor, while the Alabaster Stormtalon and Thunderwing were previously available through the in-game store as part of the WoW 15th Anniversary Celebration. They now make their Trading Post debuts, so be sure to grab them!
- Alabaster Stormtalon — 650 Trader’s Tender
- Alabaster Thunderwing — 650 Trader’s Tender
- Ancestral Clefthoof — 650 Trader’s Tender
August Trading Post transmogs, armor sets, and cosmetics
The Ethereal Transmogrifier will be the first toy offered at the Trading Post since it went live earlier this year. While it may be a little on the pricey side given how limited you are in earning Trader’s Tender each month, it’s probably worth it to be able to summon an Ethereal Warpweaver to transmog your gear any time and at any place up (for up to 10 minutes) to transmog your gear so you can roll up to any activity in your preferred threads.
- Ethereal Transmogrifier — 500 Trader’s Tender
This month’s red and blue Ensemble sets lay out the color tones that most of this month’s items will follow. Red and blue colors are also integral in each Faction’s main colors, which is hardly a coincidence. They can complement a variety of the other items at the Trading Post, as well as armor and weapon pieces you can earn during gameplay.
- Ensemble: Vagabond’s Azure Threads — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Vagabond’s Crimson Threads — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Wanderer’s Azure Trappings — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Wanderers Crimson Trappings — 100 Trader’s Tender
The transmog, armor, and cosmetics this month continue the color duality from the Ensemble sets. Most of the items here are the same (or similar) models with their colors switching between red and blue options.
- Fury of the Firelord — 750 Trader’s Tender
- Blade of Brutal Sacrifice — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Hood of Hungering Darkness — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Crown of Eternal Winter — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Ruby Felfire Bulwark — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Ruby Felfire Splitblade — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Aquamarine Felfire Bulwark — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Aquamarine Felfire Splitblade — 400 Trader’s Tender
- Crimson Nexus Crescent — 225 Trader’s Tender
- Azure Nexus Crescent — 225 Trader’s Tender
- Azure Scalesworn Longbow — 200 Trader’s Tender
- Shard of Frozen Secrets — 200 Trader’s Tender
- Ember Court Soiree Gloves — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Queen’s Conservatory Ball Gloves — 100 Trader’s Tender
- City Guard Heater Shield — 50 Trader’s Tender
- Grunt’s Buckler — 50 Trader’s Tender
August Trading Post pets
This month’s Trading Post pet is a true blast from the past, the Spirit of Competition for 650 Trader’s Tender! Originally, you could only get this pet as part of a promotional mini-event that ran alongside the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. 15 years later, this little dragon is back, don’t wait another 15 years for a third chance at getting it!
August Trading Post bonus rewards
Keeping in with the red theme of the other transmog items, August’s bonus reward for completing the monthly Traveler’s Log is the Bones of the Bloodhunter Ensemble. This ghastly ensemble gives your character a visage worthy for followers of the Blood God G’huun. Last month, the number of points you needed to obtain in order to complete the Traveler’s Log was higher than normal so make sure you check out our easy to complete Traveler’s Log objectives guide so you can earn this bonus reward.
Remember, starting next month the Trading Post will begin to offer class sets with the Paladin, Priest, and Rogue up first in September, followed by the Death Knight, Demon Hunter, and Druid in October. Make sure to get out there and earn your Trader’s Tenders so you don’t miss out on these sets or any of the items that may be coming to the Trading Post!
Originally published August 1, 2023; updated August 28, 2023
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