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Discussion > WoWSep 4, 2023 8:00 am CT

How are you finding the Secrets of Azeroth event?

Last week the latest feature of Dragonflight went live: the Secrets of Azeroth. This event is actually composed of two parts: the first is a series of quests that lead players around Azeroth hunting for various artifacts, with a new quest going live each day. The second part of the event is a “community” feature, where players need to comb over social media posts from the official accounts in the real world in order to find the location of hidden satchels. Both parts reward various collectibles, including the title “Inquisitive”, several pieces of transmog, and the alpaca mount Pattie.

Of course, the World of Warcraft-equivalent of a scavenger hunt isn’t going to be for everyone. While I enjoyed the first day’s batch of quests that directed me around Northrend, the subsequent days have been more about learning about the tools you’ll need to complete the event rather than further exploration. Still I’m intrigued enough by where the quests may take me that I plan to log in daily to do them, and rather than immediately grab a writeup online I’m working on them the hard way — made harder by the fact that I’m directionally-challenged so having a new adhoc coordinate system adds an extra layer of “joy” to the experience.

The second part of the event, however, is a different story. While normally I’d find it fun to pore for clues from random posts, the fact that it’s taking place all over social media — and there’s no guarantee all the clues have already been revealed — I’m content to let others such as the Secret-Finding Discord take the lead on this one. To be honest, I feel like we already have too much reliance on things outside the game as it is, so adding something dependent on the real world to even begin to solve is not fun to me.

So what are your thoughts on the Secrets of Azeroth? Have you been trying to sort out how to do all the quests yourself, or are you relying on online guides? Are you making an effort for the Community rumors, or are you like me and just waiting for others to find the answers? What about the daily quest chain, are you logging in to do them as they spawn or are you going to wait until everything is love before completing it? And did you even know the Roasted Ram had a second floor?

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Filed Under: Secrets Of Azeroth

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