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The QueueSep 5, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: that new patch smell

While I’m always excited for a new top tier, .X patch, I’m a little confused as to what’s going on with these weird obscure subdivided patches. I like the fact that there’s new stuff, but it’s especially inconvenient when they launch smaller community features which prove popular, like this Secrets of Azeroth event. I’m enjoying the event, but it’s going to be such a hassle to pinpoint which patch it dropped during, exactly.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer as soon as we use the wiki to triangulate the exact date. At least it smells like leather?


So unless I’ve missed it completely, there’s no power progression in 10.1.7 akin to the ring right? Nothing to help us push a little more for what’s left of the season?

Nope! These little side content patches are kind of weird in that way. They add a lot of extra stuff, but because you’re not going up a full tier, they usually don’t introduce their own little catch-ups, despite the fact that the boost up at the end would be really helpful.


Q4tQ: Your pet has challenged you to combat. How concerned are you?

As long as we’re not fighting on his turf I’m good. Even then, betta fish are usually native to muddy pools of water in tropical jungle, so as long as I don’t get trench foot like a Burning Man attendee, pretty sure I come out on top.


QfAnna: what was the last really memorable package you got in the mail?

Every time I get a package in the mail I’m excited about it. Most recently, I got a hallway shoe organizer and new air filters from Target. Before that I think it was a shipment from BT Leighs with a spicy version of his Somethin Somethin sauce and his Autumn spice blend. Before that, it was my monthly Ipsy, which included a cream blush and a lemon lip sleeping mask.

My purchasing history truly contains multitudes.


OW2 has had an update downloaded since last week… I wonder if the Hero challenges are coming out today?

I haven’t heard anything, but it’s been a couple weeks since the last iteration of Underworld came out, so I’d expect it either this week or next.

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