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Blizzard > DiscussionSep 15, 2023 8:00 am CT

If you could go to the Blizzard World theme park in real life, which Blizzard character would you want to see (or hug) the most?

Look, theme parks are neat, and it’s not fair that we’ve been teased with Blizzard World in Overwatch for years at this point but we can’t actually go there in real life. There are endless possibilities to the types of attractions that a real Blizzard amusement park could offer — and besides all the rides and parades and fireworks, we’d surely get to meet people wearing costumes that resemble our favorite Blizzard characters.

Which just makes me wonder what it would feel like to hug Diablo. I mean, that dude is pretty spiky. Would the costume also be hot to the touch? That would certainly add to the immersion factor.

Would we find someone dressed like our favorite Old Gods? A Yogg costume would certainly be a sight to behold. Would it be… slimy? Slimier than, say, a Murloc costume? I can only imagine that we’d find Murlocs everywhere. And I can only hope that they would make the sounds. And maybe if you approached one person in a Murloc costume, they’d be able to signal for several other Murlocs to come, and perhaps even chase you around the park.

Cosplayers are rad too, of course, and should be part of the experience. It’d be wonderful to meet someone who looks just like Jaina Proudmoore or Illidan Stormrage or even Deckard Cain, doing the voices and saying iconic lines. Maybe Cain would offer a Horadric Cube for a lucky someone to take home every day, while warning them about the potential dangers of opening portals to Hell!

This is all, of course, just conjecture; but I do have to turn to you now, dear reader. Let’s use our imagination. Were you to find yourself in the actual Blizzard World in real life, which character from the multitude of Blizzard universes would you most like to meet (or perhaps even hug)?

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