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Diablo > Diablo 4Oct 16, 2023 4:00 pm CT

Blood Harvest events are coming to Sanctuary in Diablo 4 Season 2 and providing additional rewards for players

Diablo 4‘s Season 2 is now live, and its focus is on Vampiric Powers while also giving players additional content in Sanctuary (and some nice quality of life changes). The Season of Blood‘s main events are called Blood Harvests and are designed around giving players the opportunity to work on acquiring the key seasonal items of Pact Armor and Potent Blood starting from level 1. In addition, the activities of the Blood Harvest are how you gain reputation with the seasonal Hunter’s Acclaim faction to gain Potent Blood, Vampiric Powers, and legendary items.

Blood Harvests are based on the Helltide events — with some noticeable differences. Unlike Helltides, the Blood Harvests will always be up, rotating among the Dry Steppes, Hawezar, and Scosglen regions of Sanctuary. In addition you will be able to access the Blood Harvests at level 1  — you don’t need to wait until World Tier 3 to join them like you have to do for Helltides. Being able to participate in Blood Harvests from the beginning will help give your character a leg up in farming for the Potent Blood and Pact Armor needed to acquire and unlock your Vampiric Powers.

Activities are similar to what you find elsewhere in Sanctuary with enemies to kill, rituals to disrupt, and blood blisters to burst. Blood Harvests are also the main place to find Blood Seekers who are most likely to drop Potent Blood and can be found or summoned there via a Blood Lure acquired during the Harvest. Seeker keys also drop, and can be used to free prisoners or unlock caches.

Earn reputation with the new Hunter’s Acclaim faction to unlock legendary rewards

While participating in the various events of the Blood Harvest you’ll build up reputation with the new seasonal faction the Hunter’s Acclaim. There are 18 tiers of awards that can be unlocked from the Hunter’s Acclaim and unlike the Battle Pass its focus is on items that augment your character’s abilities. Early tiers reward rare items, while later tiers provide legendary items and caches. Potent Blood and Vampiric Powers are also available from the Hunter’s Acclaim. Players can even focus on the Hunter’s Acclaim by using the Season Blessing the Urn of Blood to increase the reputation gain.

Blood Harvests provide an alternative way of playing Diablo 4 in the Season of Blood while also providing additional opportunities for powering up your characters. As a key component of gameplay for Season 2 they’re sure to be a popular destination for all seasonal players.

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