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The QueueOct 27, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Perception check, please

What is there to perceive though, really? The Queue, and the world around it, continue apace. Except I keep getting this song (nsfw) stuck in my head and sometimes it really throws off the trajectory of my thoughts. So if today’s Queue is a little off, that’s probably why.


Q4tQ: if indeed nextpack is set in Dwarfenstan, should not all the buildings be build with doorways only tall enough to allow dwerfs, and i guess by extention gnome/gobs/chihuahuas, through?
Maybe there will be a system where tall folk get to stand outside and have to try to get quest and vendor stuffs through an intermediary.

As much as it might be a flavorful his is the sort of thing that’s only fun the first time… if it even is fun the first time.

Clipping on things is a staple of video games, but it’s not exactly a fun challenge, and it hits different character models differently — so a Gnome might breeze through a doorway that a Tauren gets stuck in. That’s in the game now and it’s not fun.

To make it fun you either need to make it an engaging gameplay mechanic — say, navigating your way (geographically, politically, etc) into a Dwarven city, where you must be clever and cunning to get what you want since all the doors are too small and the Dwarves are suspicious of outsiders. That could be a neat gameplay mechanic! But if it’s such a neat gameplay mechanic that it’s fun, then everyone should have a chance to participate regardless of character options. And if it’s just a hurdle for non-Dwarves, then it’s boring gameplay that’s getting in our way.

The game really needs to pick one side or the other: is it fun gameplay that everyone should go through? Or is it a tedious exercise that just lets us get to the next set piece? If it’s the latter, it isn’t adding anything beyond a short joke to the game.


Q4tQ: if the nexpac is dwarf-based, will Hunter tier gear feature dwarf bones?

Wait. How did we go from dwarf-themed to dwarf-murder-themed in the course of just a single question? Yikes. No, you should not steal your friends’ (possibly friends) bones from their bodies in order to make a quick buck. Probably. The bones just aren’t worth it.


Q4tQ What if all these easter eggs about a land to the west of Kalimdor is just a giant misdirect and has absolutely nothing to do with the next expansion … but is important two expansions from now? Remember all that time we thought we could be going to the Dragon Isles after BFA because Wrathion was actively looking for it?

Blizzard does enjoy misdirecting us… or at least I think so. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when something’s a misdirect or just a coincidence. That kind of thinking can make you crazy come convention time, because everything you look at seems to be a secret or hint, waiting to be revealed.

But Blizzard definitely loves leaving loose ends. Threads here or there that we might follow later. Is now the time? Should we be looking two expansions back (or two expansions forward)?

There’s no way to win this game of speculation. I often enjoy watching the chaos of such speculation, theory crafting, and outright rumor-mongering. But at the end of the day, the only way to know what’s happening next, with 100% certainty, is to wait for Blizzard to tell us.

Patience, friend. We’ll know soon.


So, the new D4 season has been out just over a week now, and I can say that, the levelling speed is so much faster than before.

For comparisons, my OG barb made it to 71, in around 100 hours. My S1 barb made it to 75 in around 80 hours. My S2 barb made it to 70 last night, and i’ve only spent about 30 hours this time around.

The seasonal blessings that you can earn on the Free track of the Battle Pass are also placed pretty well this time around, as I am reaching the relevant level for them either at the time I reach the respective battle pass level or shortly afterwards, so that feature having its level requirements adjusted downwards has hit the nail on the head quite well.

Also helping is the fact that the World Boss fights are dropping max ilevel gear (for the World Tier) every kill, although this then does make a lot of the other loot sources less interesting.

Leveling is so fast that it feels like I blink and suddenly I’m four levels higher… however, I haven’t quite hit the level 60-or-so hump where things always started to slow down for me, so I’m still working my way up to it. Maybe leveling really is as fast as it seems sub-50… or maybe I’ll keep going and find out its just as slow when it comes to the rough patches.

And my friends that is all for now. I hope you have a great day and a great weekend to follow. I’ll see you right back here next week — same bat time, same bat channel.

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