The Queue: are we Dream Warriors now?

Well the patch 10.2 maintenance finally ended so we’re all having fun in the Emerald Dream now I reckon. The one thing I dislike is the faction name “Dream Warden”. I get it, it’s supposed to sound like you’re guarding the Dream, but “Warden” always feels like to me you’re keeping bad stuff in as a jailor, not preventing things from getting inside. Dream Warriors would’ve been a better name, and not just because it’s the theme song to a horror movie.
I’m Kalcheus, and Mitch is still not available to answer questions so I’ll do it! Let’s go.
Can we get a proof of life that Mitch hasn’t transcended into the Void?
Mitch just wrote an article on how to get Sylvanas in Warcraft Rumble! Clearly no one else on staff would care to write about such a thing, so I feel this is incontrovertible evidence that Mitch is perfectly fine and voidfree-ish!
Has there been any word on new race/class combos for the next expansion? I still want my Panda Druid!
As Anna mentioned yesterday, the smaller news tends to not get revealed at BlizzCon. We should be getting an update about 10.2.5 on Thursday, so it’s possible we’ll find out there are more coming. Whether or not The War Within delivers any new ones we’ll likely need to wait to find out.
Who would you cast as Xal’atath on a new live action Warcraft movie?
This is a tough one. While I did like Brainstrain’s suggestion of Anya Taylor-Joy, I’m going to have to go in a different direction: Jenny Ortega. Sure she looks a little young, but I think a touch of her Wednesday stoicism could work well with Xal’atath’s demeanor.
What are your thoughts on the early access available through the Epic Edition? I’m saying again that it’s absolute BS. Three days isn’t much in the grand scheme of an expansion, sure. On the other hand it’s three days to grab mats in a limited market, three days to level/gear/learn your class, three days to effectively do literally anything you want while poor suckers like me who don’t want to pay an extra 25 bucks just chill and wait for the inevitable spoilers, miss out on the opening day fun, it’s dumb as hell.
I get why people are upset with the early access and it’s arguable that Blizzard really dropped the ball with the idea. I strongly suspect they will not be doing it again due to the feedback but I think because it’s “promised” as part of the preorder that can’t renege on it now. Frankly I like the idea that I’ll be able to unlock Earthen and then focus on leveling one to 50 (World First Earthen Heritage Armor is a thing, right?) during the early access period, but I’d be doing that as soon as I could anyway.
Which Blizzcon announcement wound up being your favorite?
I talked about it this morning but I’m really happy about the Worldsoul Saga being a thing. We’ve been kind of stuck viewing things up close for a long time and pulling back to get a bigger picture feels like a great move.
Second place: I did mention I’m going for World First Earthen Heritage Armor, right?
Do you think we’ll see Magni in War Within? Do you think Magni would drown if we dunked him into a ocean of Azerite or would he ascend into a new more powerful form?
We will definitely see Magni — I’m pretty sure it was mentioned as much. At the bare minimum someone has to remind Anduin and Thrall of the events of Battle for Azeroth.
As near as I can tell Azerite is non-reactive to contact (and diamonds are pretty non-reactive too) so dunking him wouldn’t have any effect either in terms of drowning or ascending. He’d probably have a nice orange-blue sheen until he gets washed off.
Just one Allied race seems… not enough for an expansion. Arathi and Evolved Nerubians, also? Some other race from DF or earlier that would start to make sense?
It does seem light compared to previous expansions, but I suspect we’ll be getting more race/class combos and other allied races during the remainder of Dragonflight and during The War Within. The main positive is that it confirms that new Allied Races are still a potential thing to add to the game.
Also speaking of Allied races: the Earthen are the first time an Alliance-type race has become available to the Horde. What Horde-type race would you like to see become available to the Alliance?
(I know that you could say this already happened with void elves, but there are no Horde void elves, so it’s different, I swear)
I would love for the Alliance to get a Tauren race, as the Highmountain are my favorite non-Dwarf race. I don’t see a way to add them though unless you create a new offshoot race — or maybe the Alliance somehow convince the Yaungol to join them? That feels far-fetched though.
Q4tQ: is there anything special about Fyrakk? Because a dragon that uses fire attacks is the Rattatta of dragons.
I’ve read War of the Scaleborn and the one thing that the book does a much better job of getting across is how insanely powerful the Primal Incarnates are. The game does give us some sense of their power: we know Neltharion with full aspect powers had to embrace the void to imprison Raszageth, and while Alexstrasza does remind us that the Aspects’ power are diminished we don’t see enough of the Incarnates in action to truly gauge their power level.
Anyway, back to the book for a second. Not only are the Primal Incarnates roughly equal to the Aspects in power, there are so few of them because the process to become an Incarnate can kill you. Fyrakk et al weren’t chosen at random, they succeeded where many others failed.
So throw in the Shadowflame he’s now imbued with and Fyrakk’s power level is over 9000 pretty sizable — it’s arguable he is at strong as Deathwing was during Cataclysm. Sure he uses fire attacks, but with only four elements someone has to be fiery one.
Long story short: yes it should’ve been in game more explicitly, but you should read the book anyway it’s really good.
That’s all the q’s that’s fit to print so I guess I’ll head back into the Emerald Dream. And by that I mean take a nap. Have a great day, and leave plenty of questions for Matt tomorrow!
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