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The QueueNov 23, 2023 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: It’s just Thursday here

One of the strange things above moving to Canada and eventually becoming a Canadian citizen is that today, the last Thursday of November, is just a day.

In a way I’m glad — y’all know about the current unpleasantness — You have been great, but we still could use the help, if you are able to — and I’m glad I don’t have to go into a holiday with that on my mind, and I don’t have to go around coming up with things to be grateful for just now. But it still feels strange to go from Halloween to Christmas without a holiday to bracket them, I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.

But anyway, it is Thursday here, and that means I write the Queue.


So, Warriors, having done the Warrior Hall Campaign get two extra options with the Vyranoth & Wrathion side quest chain.

I almost named this Queue Punch Him In His Stupid Fire Beard but cooler heads prevailed. I’m telling you guys, before the end of the Worldsoul Saga, Odyn is gonna be a raid boss at the very least, if not the head boss of a raid, and even that assumes he won’t be the end boss which is far from certain in my opinion.

Odyn’s ego got the better of him a long long time ago. He stopped actually caring what the Titans did or didn’t want and I don’t think he ever cared what was best for Azeroth. He’s inflexible, arrogant, quick to murder his daughter if she disobeys, just generally a total word I can’t use here.

I intend to go punch him in the face as soon as I can arrange for it. I am not a Pokemon, you gigantic toadstool.


Q4tQ: how far have you gotten in Diablo IV’s season pass?

Asking because I hit rank 36 tonight – enough to get the full outfit except for the very silly hat – and I’m done for the season, as there’s nothing else free that I want.

I mean, I’m not paying for a Season Pass right now. I am not financially certain I will be able to pay for anything, much less a Season Pass. I like Season 2 a lot, but I’m simply not in a place where I’m gonna spend money on something like that.


Q4tQ Do we know who those giant statues are supposed to be in the Emerald Dream?

There isn’t now and hasn’t been since the old days of Vanilla WoW any explanation for why the Emerald Dream has these colossal statues that some people think look like the Djaradin and other people think look like the Warcraft 3 version of Mountain Giants.

Now, I’m on record as pointing out that it’s pretty weird that there are Earth Troggs in the Elemental Plane of Earth, if the Troggs we see on Azeroth are descended from the Earthen. Unless it turns out that the Titans didn’t make the Earthen, so much as repurposed some elemental being like the Troggs in the same way that they did the Dragons from the Proto-Drakes.

Maybe all of the Titan-Forged races are in fact repurposed beings in this way. We’ve seen that the Well of Eternity can change beings exposed to it — Night Elves from Dark Troll antecedents and Jinyu from Murlocs to name just two. If Azeroth can do that just by essentially bleeding some of her essence on things, and the Mogu can deliberately do something similar using the blood like substance they called Anima — supposedly not the same stuff as we encountered in Shadowlands — then maybe the Titans could deliberately do it to make their servitors.

And this could potentially mean that the various ‘giant’ type creations of the Titans, like the Vrykul and their offshoots, are repurposed Earth Giants. The Djaradin claim to be Earth Giants who discovered the ability to create pacts with Fire Elementals — perhaps they are the original form of the Vrykul, just as the Troggs may end up not being the descendants of the Earthen, but their ancestors. And perhaps, as we see with the Rock Troggs in Deepholme and the Troggs in places like Gnomeregan and Uldaman, some of the Titan altered Giants have reverted back into their Djaradin forms.

Why would there be statues of these guys in the Emerald Dream? I have ideas, but we have a limit on how long we can get in Queue answers. So for now, consider this a to be continued.

Okay, not a lot of questions today, but it is a holiday down there. Hopefully the lore speculation was fun for y’all. Take care of yourselves, please consider helping us out if you haven’t already and if you have thank you very much.

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