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HearthstoneApr 16, 2024 1:30 pm CT

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 7 is now live with new two-player Battlegrounds Duos mode

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 7 is now live on PC and mobile, and this season includes Battlegrounds’ biggest update to date: Battlegrounds Duos. This new mode will let you play Battlegrounds with a partner (either a friend you invite to join or a random player you’re matched with), with unique two-player heroes and Duos-only minions.

For more on Battlegrounds Season 7, check out our guide to Battlegrounds Duos and our roundup of Tavern Spells.

New Battlegrounds seasons are always a significant shakeup, and on top of Duos this one will include pretty significant minion changes. The Beasts warband has been reworked, and both Dragons and Mechs are getting “big refreshes.” The Battlegrounds card pool will add 50 new minions and a dozen returning minions, and Tavern Spells will remain in the mix (with a couple of additions). New cards and card changes will apply to both traditional Battlegrounds and Battlegrounds Duos, though Duos has some unique minions on top of the standard pool.

The Season 7 Battlegrounds Rewards Track has a fairy tale theme, with new emotes, strikes, hero skins, and one new bartender. Some of these rewards are free, but others will require you to buy the Season Pass: assuming the pricing doesn’t change, will be purchasable for 1500 Runestones if you buy it in-game, or $15 through the Battle.net shop. Getting the Season Pass is not required to play the season, but it unlocks many extra cosmetics as well as the ability to choose from four heroes instead of two — which is a distinct gameplay advantage. Still, with no reliance on your card collection, Hearthstone Battlegrounds is as free to play as it gets — and without any deck building requirements, it’s a relatively easy game mode to jump into.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 7 is now live with Battlegrounds Duos, so give it a try!

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