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Discussion > WoWJan 3, 2024 8:00 am CT

Which character’s stories do you want to see the most in The War Within?

Anduin and Thrall, Alleria and Xal’atath — these are some of the most prominent characters whose stories we know are going to be told in World of Warcraft’s upcoming expansion, The War Within. From what information we’ve been able to parse during BlizzCon 2023, we know that those are the major players we’ll be interacting with and whose stories we’ll experience — at least at first.

Meeting Anduin again, we’ll help him deal with the weight of the things he was forced to see and do. He’s been hearing a strange voice, which might be coming from Azeroth herself — and so is Thrall, who takes the main stage once again, more grizzled, but still ready to take his place as a defender of the natural elements of the planet he calls home.

Another hero, Alleria Windrunner, has also been hearing things — but the future she glimpses is far darker than the one of her peers, perhaps tailored by the Void itself — a force that is materialized as Xal’atath, who now calls herself “the Harbinger.” Xal’atath has already helped influence several major events throughout the history of Azeroth, from the days of the Black Empire to the fall of the Zandalari; from the War of the Three Hammers to showing Human Priests that the Shadow existed as a counterpart to the Light, and more. What more could she want?

But despite those three major players and major antagonist, we know that we’ll also be seeing other factions and peoples, such as the Arathi, the Nerubians, and the Earthen. Which other heroes could be involved in those stories? Keeper Tyr had a lot of time in the spotlight during Dragonflight, so it would be only natural for that story to have ramifications with the lost Arathi tribe. And the Earthen might find a peer in Magni, the original speaker of Azeroth, and another figure who certainly has a lot of concern towards what could possibly be cries for help coming from the nascent Titan — if that’s what she truly is — herself.

Are there any other major characters you think might show up? Usual figures like Jaina or Khadgar, unexpected ones, or perhaps even glimpses of a figure like Sylvanas? Will Iridikron appear to somehow set up the events of the next expansions, Midnight and The Last Titan? Who do you think will show up, who do you hope will show up — but more importantly, who do you want to see in The War Within?

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Filed Under: The War Within

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