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DiscussionFeb 2, 2024 8:00 am CT

What is your favorite video game meme?

Our intrepid Editor-in-Chief Liz Harper put out the call for a morning discussion topic with a meme request. Luckily, the night owls of the Blizzard Watch staff were ready to jump to the call — Cory and I each delivered variations fitting the provided theme. But of course, a tired writer brain immediately makes the connection, and soon enough, I started to reflect on memes in video game culture.

Memes, gifs and emotes / emoji (depending on your generation) are some of my favorite ways to communicate. Why try to use a thousand words when I have a hilarious picture at hand? Heck, we have an entire memes channel in the Blizzard Watch Discord! Which you should definitely join — our community is a delight.

And truly, if you want some gems in the meme world, look no further than World of Warcraft. Heck, there’s a subreddit dedicated to WoW memes. The header is chosen from one of my personal favorites of in-game meme fodder — the punch Anduin lays on Wrathion in Battle for Azeroth is truly one for the comedic ages.

And WoW is just one example. Think of the Mass Effect franchise! Toss out an “I’m Commander Shepard” before a declaration of your favorite whatever and congrats — you have yourself a meme. It can be anything, too — what do you think of “I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite Breakfast Topic on the Citadel,” does it have a ring to it?

The world is serious enough as it is, and we can all use a little levity in our lives. If it comes from some of our favorite entertainment — video games — then all the better. And hopefully, these few words brought you a chuckle.

So tell me — does Anduin decking Wrathion inspire you to comedic text genius? Do you aspire to declaring Commander Shepard’s favorite cheese on the Citadel? What’s your favorite video game-inspired meme? Share in the comments below!

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