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Discussion > TV & MoviesMay 10, 2024 8:00 am CT

We’ve been arguing about what Fallout game is best. So what’s the best game in your favorite game series?

Is there a good plural for series? I’m told that series is a zero plural, like moose or antelope or species. But that doesn’t help my feeling that there should be a way to make sure y’all know I’m talking about multiple game series. [Ed’s note: serieses?] Because this all started as a discussion of the Fallout series on the podcast. Joe is a Fallout New Vegas fan, whereas I not only think Fallout 2 is the best one, I actually think Fallout 4 is a much more fun game to play than Fallout New Vegas, although I do accept that it’s a really well-written book.

Yes, I said book. See, the game part of Fallout New Vegas is the part I have a problem with. It actually manages to be slightly worse than Fallout 3, which is kind of impressive. Now, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me — I mean, Joe clearly doesn’t and I’m well aware that New Vegas is considered the best by a lot of people. I believe in my choice — Fallout 2 is a brilliant game, a brilliant story — but I’m aware that it’s a matter of opinion. And I know some people who think Fallout Tactics is the best of all possible Fallout games, so I’m aware that no opinion, no matter how universal it may seem, is actually so. People like things for reasons that other people might not even understand.

I mean, Dragon Age 2 is still my favorite game in that series. [Ed’s note: And Matt’s right.]

That’s why I thought I’d open the question up to y’all. Whether it’s Fallout or the Halo series, the Assassin’s Creed games, the various Elder Scrolls games, Civilization or the Diablo games or what have you, we all have our favorites. We all think this game or that game is the best one. So which ones are your favorites?

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