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Off Topic > Video GamesMay 17, 2024 5:00 pm CT

Get your game on, go play these great games this weekend

Well, the games start coming and they don’t stop coming. Let’s hit the ground running. Here are the games that are our all-stars this week.

New Release of the Week: Lorelei and the Laser Eyes (action/puzzle)

With a very few exceptions, we tend to enjoy the games published by Annapurna Interactive for their narrative depth and quirky, innovative gameplay. Their latest offering, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, was developed by Simogo, who developed another Annapurna offering, Sayonara Wild Hearts, and this new title looks to check all those boxes. Framed as a mystery set in an estate — an old museum? a hospital? a manor? — your job is to solve it. Solve what? Uh, you’ll figure it out, maybe. It promises to be a brain-bending good time in so many ways.

Get Lorelei and the Laser Eyes for $24.99 for Nintendo Switch, and PC on Steam.

DLC for a favorite: Vampire Survivors Operation Guns (bullet heaven)

Vampire Survivors is a staff favorite for its dopamine producing, numbers go brrrr playstyle, and for such an inexpensive base game — you can play a demo of it for free in-browser on itch.io — the DLCs pack in a ton of fun for a relatively tiny cost. In fact if you don’t already have the base game, you can get a bundle on Steam with the base game, its four DLCs, and soundtrack for about the same cost as the seasonal Battle Pass in any of Blizzard’s games.

But, I digress. The Operation Guns DLC came about about a week and a half ago, but its additional gameplay, plus the irresistible retro hook of a Contra tie-in makes this one a must-play for people into Vampire Survivors. I was hooked as soon as that music kicked in.

Get Vampire Survivors Operation Guns DLC for $2.49 for Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC on Steam.

Steal of a deal: Dragon Age Inquisition (RPG)

It feels like a little bit of a cop-out to highlight the Epic Games free offering twice in a row, but Dragon Age Inquisition, the game that smooched so Baldur’s Gate 3 could [censored] is a true favorite among our staff. We’ve also been highly — if sarcastically at times — anticipating the upcoming sequel, Dreadwolf, which may or may not be releasing on or before the end of the next fiscal year. So, even if our general stamp of approval doesn’t sway you, it’s a great idea to get this one out of the way now before the sequel drops. Though we will warn you that even the sketchy initial teaser for Dreadwolf features major story spoilers for Inquisition, so if you’re still unspoiled on Inquisition, definitely pick it up now.

Get Dragon Age Inquisition for free on the Epic Games Store until May 23.

Now tell us, Watchers — what are you playing this weekend? Share in the comments below, and we’ll feature your new interest in next week’s round-up!

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