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D&D > Podcast > Tavern WatchMay 20, 2024 11:30 am CT

Tavern Watch Plays Pathfinder 04: Five adventurers walk into a dungeon…

We’ve all been there. A forgotten underground temple full of mysteries, treasures, traps, and more than a few dusty old skulls. (At least we’re pretty sure that’s dust.) But we’re adventurers, and never walk away from danger (in fact, we frequently cause the danger ourselves). In this week’s adventure, GM Matt Rossi escorts the hapless Tavern Watch crew to the conclusion of the Pathfinder 2e Rise of the Runelords adventure.

We may be hapless, but we’ve gotten this far! And we’ll probably make it all the way to the end of this dungeon, but no promises.

Here are the characters (and players) in our game:

  • Swift (Anne Stickney), a fast-talking rogue with a story for everything — and a talent for dazzling unsuspecting marks with her outlandish tales.
  • Varsha (Elizabeth Harper), a Ratfolk alchemist and tinker who’s always on the hunt for knowledge (and/or the funds to acquire it).
  • Ogwish (Joe Perez), a Grippli monk who has always longed to see the world at large, by adventuring and meeting as many people as he can.
  • Shiro (Nick Marino), a wise-cracking, daring gunslinger; he’s a bounty hunter by trade who ignores risk in pursuit of shiny reward.
  • Tarn Summerbloom (Phil Ulrich), a Halfling investigator who makes his living taking on the cases that city constabularies won’t. He’s determined to see justice done.

Here’s where to find previous episodes of our Rise of the Runelords game:

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