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Hide From Homepage > The War Within > WoWJun 12, 2024 11:00 am CT

When does The War Within patch 11.0.7 launch — and what’s in it?

World of Warcrafts next expansion The War Within is releasing on August 26, 2024 — with early access starting on August 22 — and we already know that patch 11.0.5 is also scheduled to come out this year. Presuming the Dragonflight patch cadence is maintained (and as of now there’s no reason to think it won’t be) then we should expect patch 11.0.7 to follow afterwards and to be the first patch of 2025. Based on The War Within‘s release date and expected patch frequency we anticipate patch 11.0.7 will come out the week of January 7, 2025.

With our prediction that patch 11.0.5 will land in late October, we would normally expect the next patch to arrive in late December. However, it is typical of the development team to postpone updates until after the Christmas and New Year’s holidays and there’s no reason to expect any different this time — especially with the 20th Anniversary Celebration officially ending on January 6. However, if their plan for 2025 is as ambitious as the ones for 2024 and 2023 were then they’ll want to get patch 11.0.7 live on servers as soon as possible at the beginning of the year. A release the week of January 14 is also a possibility, but it would be surprising if it arrived any later than that. Once 11.0.7 is on the PTR this fall we should have a better sense of whether this predicted release is accurate.

What could be in patch 11.0.7?

As the roadmap for 2025 has not yet been published, any predictions will be vague at best. That said, we can look to Dragonflight patch 10.0.7 for possible features — outside the standard “Story & Quests” and “New Content & System Updates” that are a part of every patch.

There is one aspect of 10.0.7 that I would hesitate to use as an example of content during The War Within: the Forbidden Reach zone. There have been some suggestions that the content may have been intended to arrive earlier than when it did, and if that is the case then there’s no reason to expect a similar new area to explore in patch 11.0.7. Then again, even if it was unintended the development team may decide that going forward it’s a good thing to add at this juncture to keep players busy.

Even if we don’t get a new zone, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a new repeatable activity similar to Zskera Vaults or gaining reputation with the Winterpelt Furbolg. Patch 10.0.7 was also when Monks were expanded to other races, so we may see this occur with Paladins or Shaman, or perhaps this is when new classes for Dracthyr will be implemented. Finally the Orc and Human Heritage Armor quest chains came in this patch, so it may finally be the Pandaren’s turn to earn their Heritage Armor in patch 11.0.7 — we’ll have to wait until later this year to find out!

Originally published June 12, 2024. Updated October 8, 2024.

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