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WoW > WoW RemixJun 13, 2024 8:00 am CT

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria increases Thread and Bronze earnings, plus easier Emperor Shaohao reputation

With all the excitement of The War Within‘s release date announcement this past weekend it’s easy to forget that WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is still going and will continue right up until the week before TWW’s release. Perhaps in a bid to remind players about all the joys they can find in Pandaria — or perhaps to make up for the issues that have plagued ReMists since it launched — Blizzard has added a buff called Timerunner’s Mastery that significantly increases the Bronze and Thread acquisition for players.

When you next log in, make sure the buff is active before adventuring; if it’s not visible relog to make sure it’s applied. In addition to the extra Bronze, Emperor Shaohao reputation values were increased 700% in a bid to help players complete the reputation grind before the event ends, a significant increase considering how slow the reputation gain has always been on live (with the exception of Timewalking week).

Starting immediately, this is how much Bronze and Thread you’ll earn:

  • Bronze Cache values increased by 100%
    • Minor Bronze Cache (250 → 500)
    • Lesser Bronze Cache (500 → 1000)
    • Bronze Cache (750 → 1500)
    • Greater Bronze Cache (1250 → 2500)
  • Spools of Eternal Thread stat gain increased by 200%
    • Minor Spool of Eternal Thread (20 → 60)
    • Lesser Spool of Eternal Thread (50 → 150)
    • Spool of Eternal Thread (100 → 300)
    • Greater Spool of Eternal Thread (180 → 540)

The main impetus for increasing the Bronze was due to the concern many players had with how to spend their Bronze. As it’s used for both collectibles and upgrades, a decision had to be made between the two, and focusing on one would slow down the other. For Thread, players were still running into tuning issues that made content tougher at 60 and 70 than at 10 or 20 when the opposite was expected; hopefully the increase in statistics will remove that contradiction in character strength.

Sources of Bronze Caches and Spools of Eternal Thread remain the same, with the most consistent source being the daily instance quests. You can also repeat achievements on different characters, as many of them provide Bronze Caches as their rewards. Unfortunately there is no retroactive increase to Bronze and Thread earnings — but there are still more than two months remaining to explore ReMists so there’s plenty of time to earn all the rewards you’ve set your eye on.

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