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D&D > Hide From Homepage > Tabletop RPGJun 26, 2024 7:00 am CT

When is the D&D 2024 Player’s Handbook release date?

It’s been almost 50 years in the making but now the first book in the newest trilogy of Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks, formerly titled One D&D (or informally D&D 6e), the 2024 Player’s Handbook is releasing September 17, 2024, with pre-orders already underway. The base price for pre-ordering the physical edition is $49.99, and the digital edition is $29.99, but you can get the digital edition for $10 if you buy both (select the digital + physical bundle or just add the physical edition to the cart first). You can also pre-order a bundle of all three upcoming 2024 physical manuals and digital editions for $180, or just physical or digital bundles for less.

The revised PHB promises a better table of contents and index pages for at-a-glance reference in the heat of battle — though personally, in a lot of those instances I’d rather go with a digital edition and search it up that way. There are a ton of new options for things like weapons and feats in this book, so it will likely serve just as invaluable a reference book as its predecessors. Of course, then I don’t get the pleasure of idly paging through all that phenomenal new art, which might be technically min-maxing.

The PHB serves as a guide geared specifically to players, featuring updated rules for character creation with a larger focus on your character’s background rather than race (which are now called species). All of the classes have gotten a glam up, and the book features four subclasses for each, including a few new subclasses and many heavily revised subclasses — though you can still use old subclasses in the new system, at least with a bit of tinkering. And while the Artificer class isn’t in the new PHB, you can play 2014 characters alongside 2024 characters. We’d conjecture that many of those slightly older faves may feel underpowered due to the nature of power creep, but sometimes the vibes are just worth it.

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