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Discussion > WoWJul 19, 2024 8:00 am CT

What do you have left to do in Dragonflight?

Four dragon whelps sit around a drakonid adult, three of them attentively and another sleeping. They have teacups and silverware. A plate of sliced fruit sits on a pedestal nearby.

For World of Warcraft players, The War Within is nigh — extremely nigh, in fact, with one week until the pre-patch and a little over a month to early access and the actual launch.

With this new patch cadence Blizzard has set for themselves, content seems to come fast and furious these days, increasing the possibility that there are just things players won’t get done, and will have to revisit in the future (if at all). This isn’t always necessarily a bad thing — after all, sometimes the current content just doesn’t resonate with you and suddenly it’s a nice time to revisit those old unfinished bits of content — but it’s hard to deny there’s a little bit of stress about not finishing things in the here and now.

Taivan the goodest boy

Despite being the one who wrote about it for the site, including with a convenient checklist, it’s starting to look like there’s a very good chance I won’t finish getting the biggest goodest boy there is as a mount. Between Season 4 raiding, Mists of Pandaria Remix and the Bronze grind, and just generally getting burnt out on how grindy some of those sub-achievements are, we’re now one week away from pre-patch.

I’m still only 77% done — and some of what’s left includes some of the absolute most tedious achievements on the Forgotten Reach, as well as the extremely luck-based Tetrachromancer, which I’ve been one color away from completing for months. It’s looking more and more likely that I’ll have to cross my fingers that A World Awoken remains accessible in the future.

So how about you — what goals are you trying to finish up at the end of Dragonflight, and what are you likely to end up leaving unfinished for the future?

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