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Discussion > Warcraft > WoWJul 22, 2024 8:00 am CT

What weird or useless item do you refuse to get rid of in WoW?

The end of Dragonflight is on the horizon and The War Within pre-patch is imminent. Many players are clearing out their banks and bags in preparation for a new expansion’s worth of gear, crafting materials, and random Things™ you find scattered around the place. I asked a few of my fellow writers here to share some of the weirdest, most useless items they’ve held onto — despite the items having been much more relevant years and years ago.

The first response was from our bear friend, Cory Taylor — he proffered The Quill of Correspondence from the Shadowlands. Who says you can’t use a letter from a friend every now and then? He also admitted to having duplicate items to learn the Headless Horseman’s Mount and the Fire Hawk mount tucked away there, so if they’ve haven’t dropped for you yet you know who got them instead.

For something a little more random, Phil Ulrich told us that he had eleven Blood Engorged Ticks sent to him by a guild mate that he has hung on to. Somewhat creepy, but you do you. He also has a vial of Tears of Elune that Khadgar gave him but never reclaimed. That was just the tip of the iceberg, however:

Looking through my bank, I’m pretty sure I have a problem. If the guys from Pawn Stars ever picked through it, they would probably question why do I still have six Gently Squeezed Toads. Or the Unconscious Dig Rat that a guild member sent me as a thank-you one time. Hopefully the vial holding the Eternal Quintessence doesn’t get cracked, as I can’t replace it. And how could I possibly get rid of my Butterfly Net, or the Fae Dreamcatcher, or the Mardivas’s Universally Lauded Tote, or the Happy Fun Rock? You never know what random item will suddenly become important for a secret!

What do you have kicking around? Are you keeping it for some utility or for sentimental reasons? Share with us you most useless in-game dust-collector.

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