Cataclysm Classic Phase 2 is now live with Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub

Cataclysm Classic Phase 2 is officially live! While Phase 1 started on Tuesday May 28, endgame content didn’t go live until Thursday May 30. Since Phase 2 is smaller in size, everything is live now but we expect the remaining phases to begin at Tuesday reset with endgame content arriving on Thursday. Since Wrath Classic Phase 2, most of the Classic expansion phases have arrived every 9-10 weeks, and thanks to the 2024 Classic roadmap we know we can expect a similar schedule for Cataclysm Classic.
Let’s look at what’s in Phase 2!
What’s in Cataclysm Classic Phase 2?
- Zul’Aman
- Zul’Gurub
Originally, patch 4.1 Rise of the Zandalari brought back two dungeons — Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub — as level 85 heroic 5-player dungeons with an interconnected questline about Vol’jin and the Darkspear Trolls fighting against the Zandalari Trolls and these same dungeons now make a return in Phase 2! These two dungeons are the main addition in Phase 2, with Phase 3 in the future providing way more content for players.
When Cataclysm Classic was first revealed, it was announced some changes made during Wrath Classic would be making it into Cataclysm Classic with Wrath Classic’s new Titan Rune Dungeon system specifically called out as something Blizzard wanted to expand on. As of now, there haven’t been any noticeable changes or additions to Cataclysm Classic’s dungeon system and we don’t even know if Blizzard plans to continue with any previously planned dungeons changes.
Titan Rune Dungeons brought a new layer of difficulty to Wrath Classic dungeons and gave players another route to earn 10-player level raid gear from each of the previously released raids. Combined with some additional power scaling for raid gear in order to reduce the feeling of power creep, Titan Rune Dungeons offered a bridge to earn some higher level gear that would “last longer,” so to speak.
While new dungeon modes would be a good addition to Cataclysm Classic, we simply don’t have enough information from Blizzard if this is still something on the table in the future for players. We’ll be sure to let you know of everything new we learn, so check be sure to keep your eyes on the site!
Originally published on May 31, 2024. Updated on July 30, 2024.
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