What’s in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 2?

Wrath Classic’s second of five phases –launching today, January 17 — is expected to bring content originally delivered in patch 3.1, including the Ulduar raid and the Argent Tournament Grounds, as well as Season 6 of PVP.
And if you’re ready for new content, all of this will be starting today: Wrath Classic Phase 2 launches January 17, with Ulduar opening on January 19.
However, there will be #somechanges in Phase 2 that weren’t present in patch 3.1 — an adjusted rewards system for Ulduar and Titan Rune Dungeons, an additional difficulty modifier for level 80 heroic dungeons that reward normal 10-player gear from Phase 1 raids.
If you’re looking for all of the details on Wrath Classic Phase 2, these are the major features in the next Phase.
Ulduar raid
Patch 3.1 and Ulduar experienced a weird, short-lived release — it was live for less than four months before patch 3.2 arrived with the Trial of the Crusader raid and a new slate of endgame rewards that quickly outclassed Ulduar’s rewards. Blizzard acknowledged they wanted to make changes to endgame content, specifically Ulduar, in Wrath Classic that bring the best raid experience to players, allow Ulduar more time in the forefront, and better complement endgame content by reducing power creep.
To accomplish this, Ulduar will return in its pre-nerf state and with an adjusted rewards system — normal mode will drop gear at higher item levels than gear awarded from 25-player Phase 1 raids and hard mode gear will drop at slightly higher item levels than normal mode Trial of the Crusader when it is eventually released. Normal and hard mode bosses will share a loot table but hard mode bosses (except Algalon) will also drop an additional piece of gear at higher item level.
Titan Rune dungeons
Originally referred to as Heroic Plus, Titan Rune Dungeons are a new difficulty option for Wrath Classic level 80 heroic Dungeons. If all five players interact with the Mysterious Titanic Relic at the beginning of a heroic dungeon, enemies will receive a buff to their health and damage, among other effects based on the dungeon. Defeating the dungeon bosses will reward gear from the normal 10-player versions of the Phase 1 raids — Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Eye of Eternity — providing players another avenue for acquiring higher level gear.
Argent Tournament Grounds
The PTR revealed the first phase of the Argent Tournament is being tested alongside Titan Rune Dungeons, indicating that once Phase 2 begins, the Argent Crusade will begin constructing the Argent Tournament Grounds in the empty area in northeastern Icecrown. While the Crusader’s Coliseum (a raid scheduled for Phase 3) at the Grounds will be under construction for the duration of Phase 2, Argent Tournament Grounds will be a daily quest hub where players can earn faction reputation and currency.
Even though some these changes fundamentally change Wrath Classic from its original form, the goal is to provide a better player experience by adjusting endgame content to better complement each other so players continue to feel challenged — and rewarded — for completing it. While it may not be the same as the original, it is still worth seeing how these changes play out.
Originally published January 3, 2023. Updated January 17, 2023
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