Titan Rune Dungeons
How to activate Elemental Rune Dungeons in Cataclysm Classic, including the new Phase 4 dungeons
Elemental Rune Dungeons are a continuation of the Titan Rune Dungeons introduced in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 2 and function as an optional difficulty mode in Cataclysm Classic dungeons that players can choose to do to earn for higher level rewards as well as currency to purchase with a specific vendor.
Wrath of the Lich King Phase 5, featuring the Ruby Sanctum raid, is live!
The fifth and final phase of Wrath of the Lich King Classic has finally arrived!
All Empowered Runes and their effects in Wrath Classic’s Titan Rune Dungeons — with Phase 4’s new runes now live!
Wrath Classic Phase 2 added Titan Rune Dungeons to the game, an optional difficulty modifier for endgame dungeons — and another difficulty was added when Wrath Classic Phase 4 launched on October 10.
How are you feeling about the changes in Wrath Classic Phase 2?
Last week, Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 2 began, bringing with it pre-nerf Ulduar, Titan Rune dungeons, and the Argent Tournament grounds in Icecrown.
How to activate Titan Rune Dungeons in Wrath Classic Phase 2
Wrath of the Lich King Classic's second phase of content is bringing back some familiar, highly anticipated activities and while some of these won't arrive exactly as some players remember them, one aspect will be entirely new -- Titan Rune Dungeons.
What’s in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 2?
Wrath Classic's second of five phases --launching today, January 17 -- is expected to bring content originally delivered in patch 3.1, including the Ulduar raid and the Argent Tournament Grounds, as well as Season 6 of PVP.
Titan Rune Dungeons will add a “Heroic Plus” difficulty to Wrath Classic dungeons — now live on the PTR
Wrath Classic is adding a new difficulty to dungeons in Phase 2 with Titan Rune Dungeons, which allow players to gear up with 10-man raid level loot from Phase 1 — helping to keep Wrath dungeons relevant throughout the game. Blizzard has talked about increasing dungeon difficulty and improving loot before, originally calling it "Heroic Plus," but now the feature is live on the PTR for testing.