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WoW > WoW RemixJul 30, 2024 4:00 pm CT

How to get last-minute Bronze in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

The end of WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is extremely nigh: August 19th is just around the corner, after all. Hopefully by now you’ve accumulated all the Bronze you need, enabling you to snap up all those mounts, toys, and transmog. Lots and lots of transmog. However, in case you haven’t, there are a couple of different ways to pile of large amounts of Bronze, although — fair warning — neither method is really solo-friendly, so if large amounts of people abandon Remix for the Radiant Echoes pre-patch event, this is going to get a good bit slower.

With that caveat out of the way, there are really two decent ways to get large amounts of Bronze, and it mostly depends on if you’ve already geared yourself up or not.

If you already have maxed-out gear

As it has been for the entire event, if you have maxed out gear — all your jewelry and trinket slots filled, legendary gems everywhere, and upgradeable gear upgraded to the point that your item level is the magic number of 476 — you will probably find doing Heroic raids to be the fastest way to accumulate big chunks of Bronze. You can almost always find groups in the Group Finder running all of the raids, and a 476 item level will almost guarantee you an invite no matter your role, but the most efficient in terms of time spent to Bronze earned are Heroic Throne of Thunder and Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar. (Don’t do Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar for the Bronze: it’s the same exact amount of Bronze, but it takes longer. On the other hand, if you need a lot of Bones of Mannoroth, you might want to hit it up at least once.)

It’s also worth doing 1 Heroic and Normal dungeon, as well as 1 Heroic and Normal scenario, each day. Don’t forget your daily quests — Looking for Group, Looking for More, and A Fresh Scene — as well; the quests, as well as the first random queue of each type per day, rewards a Greater Bronze Cache, the same as a single raid boss. However, LFR is probably not worth it — you’ll spend a much longer time waiting, and the Lesser Bronze Cache reward is much lower in return.

If you don’t have maxed-out gear (or already did all the stuff above)

On the other hand, with this mode ending in 20 days, at this point in the event it is almost certainly not worth sinking Bronze into upgrading your gear. Also, maybe you already did all those raids and all those daily quests, you’ve got 3 hours to kill, and you’re hungry for more Bronze. In that case, the most reliable way to earn Bronze is almost definitely leveling more characters to 70.

Blizzard’s bonus Bronze quests, which were originally intended to equalize those who grinded on frogs and those who didn’t — Infinite Growth II, III, and IV — ends up rewarding you with 40000 Bronze for the mere act of leveling to 70. Furthermore, those last 10 levels had their XP requirements nerfed, and leveling in ReMists has already been wildly optimized to the point that you can level to 70 in approximately 3 hours by following a simple set of instructions. This will net you approximately 25000 Bronze normally, along with the 40000 from the quests, plus maybe more. I found I was getting approximately 75000 Bronze per character using this method, which I used to finish off my own ReMists shopping list because of how darn easy it is.

The only prerequisite for this is that you’ve already leveled one character to max in ReMists and have at least gotten the Infinite Power XI achievement to maximize the amount of threads new alts start with. (Infinite Power XII rewards toys and not extra thread for alts, so it’s not necessary, but those toys are really neat.) You’ll also want to grab the addon No Bonus XP. Make sure your auto loot is turned off on your new character — No Bonus XP will handle auto-looting everything for you except for your Bonus Experience, for reasons that will become rapidly apparent.

  1. Roll up your new character. Talk to the first questgiver, skip the entire intro area and get your Cloak of Infinite Potential, equip it, and talk to Eternus to get the cutscene that will let you out into the world. Turn in that quest to Eternus as well.
  2. Instead of starting in on your faction’s Jade Forest quests, instead mount up on your Skyriding mount and immediately fly to the Jade Forest’s Infinite Bazaar. (This is admittedly a much shorter trip for the Horde.) Pick up your three daily quests, then queue yourself for both a Normal dungeon and a Normal scenario. Be sure and loot everything, but do not pick up the Bonus Experience items from the bosses — No Bonus XP will cause them to stay on the boss, and they’ll be mailed to you afterwards. Leave them there and do not touch them.
  3. Go back to your airship and start questing. Between queues, just proceed along the questline as usual. (If you’re a healer or a tank, you may not have time to do so.)
  4. After your Normal dungeon and scenario are finished, queue for and complete a Heroic dungeon and scenario. Same as in step 2, loot everything except the Bonus Experience, and otherwise behave as normal.
  5. Turn in your two completed quests, and keep queueing for, and running, Heroic dungeons. Keep looting and upgrading your gear, gems, and tinkers as you like, but let the Bonus Experience keep piling up in your mailbox. Stop when you hit level 25.
  6. At level 25, hop into Group Finder and run a Normal Mogu’shan Vaults. It shouldn’t take too many tries to find a group that will take you — people are used to having low levels being carried in here — and loot these bosses as well. The Bonus Experience is still going to your mailbox, but more importantly you’re picking up threads that give you +7% XP earned per boss.
  7. After finishing your normal Mogu’shan Vaults, queue for and run both halves of LFR Mogu’shan Vaults as well. Queue for Heroic dungeons, too!
  8. You’re now just going to keep running Heroic dungeons and periodically checking your mailbox, but not opening it yet. No Bonus XP will put a small window to the right of your mail interface that shows you what level you will be if you loot all the Experience currently piled up in your mailbox.
  9. Once the message in No Bonus XP’s window changes from “Do not open bonus xp tokens” to a button that loots all your XP tokens, hit the button. You may have to hit it 2 or 3 times, but it will automatically start pulling all the XP out of your mailbox, at which point it will be applied to you — but now it’s boosted by all those +XP% threads you earned in steps 6 and 7.
  10. Go talk to Momentus, get your free Bronze from the Infinite Growth quest series, and go on a spending spree. Congratulations!

I tested this three times using this exact same method last week, and consistently was able to go from 35 to 70 in this fashion. It’s extremely fun because you’re spending all your time at low levels where scaling wonkiness makes you powerful and nigh invincible, and extremely fast — my average time was around 3 hours played, but if you spend less time fiddling with transmog, talents, and abilities than I did, you can almost certainly speed it up and rack up all the Bronze you can spend, not to mention new alts ready to be released into the wider world just in time for The War Within.

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